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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  October 13, 2012 6:00am-10:00am EDT

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>> sean: two more to go. >> that's right. >> sean: joe biden, really good debate. >> nice favor. [laughter] >> the kind of guy you don't want to be next to in a bar. >> sean: that's all the time we have the debates have done well for the romney campaign and the enthusiasm. >> people are getting behind this campaign. we are taking back this country. >> as romney there, people getting behind this campaign. but will this energy fade away if the president wins the next debate? >> plus, call a steel trap the freedom tower supposed to be
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the tallest building in the northern hemisphere not if they don't get their steel by a canadian company is holding it hostage. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ >> you guys awake? stay up for late baseball last night? >> unbelievable. did you know there was baseball. >> i had no idea. >> there wasn't just baseball there was historic. >> dave is going to have to break it down. this has been the most exciting post season in baseball history. am i right about that. >> you are. i couldn't agree more. also, it's a very exciting weekend, let's face it we're just wrapping up the vice presidential debate so we have a whole recap. then we are looking forward to the presidential debate, the second one. we have a lot to get to this morning. welcome back, dave from vacation. >> thank you. >> one of the big headlines, of course, from that debated is vice president joe biden's comments about the attack in libya. still the white house on
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friday having to walk back some of these comments. if you missed the debate on thursday night. here is vice president joe biden talking about what happened in libya and how they were uninformed. listen. >> there were no protests. why did that go on -- >> -- that's exactly what we were told. >> by who. >> the intelligence community. the intelligence community told us that as they learned more facts about exactly what happened they changed their assessment. >> and they wanted more security there. >> we weren't told they wanted more security there we did not know they wanted more security there. and, by the way, at the time, we were told exactly -- we said exactly what the intelligence community told us, that they knew. that was the assessment. and as the intelligence community changed their view, we made it clear they changed their view. >> a bit of a circular firing squad going on this morning between the state department, the intelligence community and the white house regarding the intelligence and of course regarding the security request that they had there in
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benghazi. who is we if you ask joe bide den. >> that's the $60,000 question. >> when he said we, apparently he means the president and the vice president, as far as that goes maybe he has some' cover there apparently the state did know. >> he can't mean we as the executive branch the state department falls under the executive branch. ed henry the white white house correspondent was trying to get the answers out of jay carney at yesterday's press briefing. >> you are a lot of things. what i'm saying is there was no actionable intelligence and i think that is pretty clear what i'm saying and what i obviousically not discuss in detail is covert -- or rather classified information. there was no actionable intelligence regarding the benghazi facility. i understand an effort here to politicize this, to turn this into an issue in a campaign. >> you are saying from this podium that the president and the vice president have never been briefed about the fact that security, more security
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was needed in benghazi? you are saying they were never in the presidential daily briefing never briefed? >> what i'm saying is that matters of security personnel are appropriately discussed and decided upon at the state department by those responsible for it. >> so it's interesting. because there has been a lot of talk as to whether or not the administration through the threw the intelligence community under the bus. what seems to be emerging this morning is they may be throwing the state department under the bus. >> no question. >> two different areas. that's hillary clinton. hillary clinton runs the state department. is hillary clinton being thrown under the bus by vice president biden in all of this. if you ask lt. general michael hayden, former director of national security and michael chertoff former homeland security secretary basically saying there wasn't a failure of intelligence. maybe the hand is now pointing at the state department. listen to them. >> actually re -- >> for the vice president to admit outloud that he he had
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no idea what was going on. ignorance is hardly a defense. the fact of the matter is there were over 230 security incidents there in libya. our consulate there in benghazi had been bombed twice. now, where else in the world are you aware of any consulate or embassy having been bombed twice? there were actually al qaeda flags flying above government buildings. when i went to libya last saturday. i was there most of the day, not a single person ever mentioned a video. this administration continues to have a lot of questions that go unanswered. in fact, compounded by the fact that the white house, the vice president, they continue -- they are just not being straight with the american people. they have a lot to answer for. >> congressman chaffets, of course, the statement released by chertoff and hayden is this. >> given what's been announced about the intelligence available before and after the september 11th attack. it is clear this the failure was not on the part of the intelligence community but on
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the part of the white house decision makers who should have acted on available intelligence. blaming those who put their lives on the line is not the kind of leadership this country needs. >> chaffets was instrumental to getting the answers. basically what he says you don't need lots of intelligence when your consulate has already been attacked. when the british ambassador has already, his convoy had come under fire, when there was a facebook posting saying that al qaeda was trying to get ambassador chris stevens on his daily runs. all of that was right out there. how could the executive branch not have known all of that. >> in the moments immediately after the attack. the consulate checked the security video and said there was no sign of a protest there was clear sign of a planned attack. so, everyone through the this process is saying that the exactly what the intelligence community provided us. clearly we need to hear from
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someone from the cia how much does the public need to know? we are not going to know it after the -- >> interestingly what eflerged that hearing wednesday shirley lamb who works at the department rejected the request for more security? libya. they say though because it was requested for tripoli, not benghazi. so the security wouldn't have gone there. there is all of this finger pointing this morning as to who rejected security. wanted more security. whose department is to blame. i don't know, there is a lot of blame to go around. >> we have a lot of guests coming up, mike huckabee, dick morris, talk about what went on here. mitt romney is riding the wave of momentum after both of these debates the presidential and vice presidential debate. seeing big crowds particularly in ohio. >> i have had the fun of going back and forth across ohio and
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this week i was also in florida and iowa. i was in north carolina, in virginia. and, you know what? there is a growing cress trickling back toward the romney side. president obama flying off to new hampshire damage control and get that poll back in his favor. >> it's an exciting race obviously as we are three weeks away. more headlines right now including this terribly sad story. police in colorado turning all of their attention to finding a child's killer. we now know the body found wednesday is 10-year-old jess da ridgeway. she disappeared while walking
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to school. her body was found just seven miles from her home. officials used d.n.a. to identify her because the body was sadly dismembered. >> body like i heard he did. i wish it could be done to them. >> i feel like, you know, like i waited too long. >> it's devastating for that community. worried that the killer may strike again. police are telling the community to be on alert and to report anyone they notice with a sudden change of behavior or appearance. an american may be among two people kidnapped in afghanistan. reuters reports afghan police say a u.s. citizen and canadian were feared to be kidnapped in the wardak province near kabul. diplomats say they are unaware of any missing citizens. well, mitt romney campaign now suing to make sure those who fight for our freedom have their voices heard.
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37 municipalities in wisconsin failed to send military ballots before the deadline. the campaign suing the state government accountability board. the deadline to return ballots should be extended. only one was sent late by nail. >> vermont, mississippi also missed the deadline. the justice department has filed a suit in vermont. there is a company holding steel for one world trade center hostage? the port authority of new york and new jersey suing adf steel for failing to deliver steel for the needle of the antenna. the lawsuit claims adf is demanding $6 million in payments for another project before shipment. adf has no immediate comment in all of that those are your headlines. >> let's get over to our friend rick reichmuth. >> i love seeing that picture of the trade center. >> that's beautiful seeing that go up. a cold morning across a lot of the northeast right now.
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this big warm-up back in the plains again. we're going to have severe weather again. eastern part of the country all extremely clear right now. take a look at this. we had a couple tornadoes last night in the texas panhandle area. today it's going to be just to the east of this. plan on a bulls eye of severe weather kansas, missouri and northern texas. anywhere from wisconsin to texas today seeing severe weather. kind of like spring storms. today here in october. the rest of the west you are looking good and much colder behind this system and still some storms that we have up across the pacific northwest there is the warm area you see today, tomorrow, those temps will drop as the storm continues to move on. all right, guys, back to you. >> thanks, rick. come up on the show an explosion leaving a house in pieces. miraculously everyone inside survived that we will hear from the homeowner coming up. unbelievable. >> is this the time and place for this man -- >> -- constituents applying for grants. that's what we do. we do that for all
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constituents. >> i love that i love that. >> so do we. so will the vice president smirking have an effects on the voters' choice? we'll break it down next. >> i love that. >> i know you do. then get the how.. our new fall style guide ipad app is here. browse pages of inspiration, trends, and swipe-by-swipe instructions. download it now. more saving, more doing. that's the power of the home depot.
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>> welcome back from gaffes to laughs. vice president joe bide den smirking at nearly every point paul ryan made during last week's debate. take a listen to just one example. >> i don't know what world you guys are in. >> thank heavens we had these sanctions in place. it's in spite of their opposition. they have given 20 waivers of this sanction. all i have to point to are the results. on two occasions we advocated for constituents applying for grants. [ laughter ] >> that's what we do. >> i love that i love that. >> look. this is a plan -- by way that $6,400 totally inaccurate now. this is a plan that's bipartisan he will keep saying this 5 trillion-dollar plan i propose. it's been discredited by six other studies and even their own deputy campaign manager acknowledged it wasn't correct. i know, mr. vice president, i know you are under a lot of duress to make up for lost
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ground. [ laughter ] >> but i think people would be better served if we don't keep interrupting each other. >> so what impact will this have on the road to the white house let's ask. let's ask mitt romney's former debate coach. good to be with you this morning. what was the strategy in this debate? unleash joe bide den let him be the attack dog and let president obama look like the nice guy you? strategize all of these things. there had to be a strategy. did he match that strategy? >> yeah, i think it was to overcorrect. i wrote that this might be the counterbalancing act to president obama's timid performance the week before. so i think that you know the signal from joe biden was i'm going to show our base that i will go out and fight and i'll do it at any cost. i think he crossed the line a couple times. >> al gore debates presidential debates therefore. >> right. >> different states.
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we had scott rasmussen on the show last week. we asked him this question about vice presidential debates do they move the needle at all. he said. no do you think this moves the needle at all. >> probably not. i think if you looked at the poll results, it looks like the divide broke down on partisan lines in terms of who won or lost the debate. what it probably did was energize both sides joe bide den turned in the performance he needed to for his base. i would probably say it would not. >> democrats are ecstatic at his performance afterwards and republicans were fired up. the real question is those 6%. to your point, those swing voters, not necessarily the independent voters but those swing voters. those 6% still floating around out there that need to be persuaded one way or the other. do you think that moves the needle on those guys? >> the democrats should be worried by joe bide den's performance because that 6% may be the number that's turned off by the president's
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performance. the numbers are pretty clear that women voters were not happy joe biden's style in the debate. could have impact on the voters. >> important thing is that they vote the top of the topic. swing voters vote the top of the ticket. looking toward tuesday we had that all important town hall debate between the president and governor romney. this is the second debate. if you are advising president obama going into this debate, what do you say to him? it was very obvious from the first debate his head was not in the debate that happens a lot with incumbent presidents. they do not take the debate seriously because they are the president. they have been working with those issues. the office is pretty encompassing. they don't take the idea of the presidential debates as seriously as they did when they were candidates. he really has to step up his game and be focused in the dewait.
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the one thing that he sort of showed was that he wasn't that interested in the process and i think he has got to show that he is willing to fight for the ideas that he believes n this debate. >> obviously a former debate coach for mitt romney. had you to deal with him obviously during primary battles and such where he had to appeal to the base and talk about being severely conservative and all of these things. and he comes out in the debate and a lot of criticism is that he moved more moderately did that watch president obama flat footed because they had been trying to paint him as conservative all summer. >> i don't think it was more moderately. i think it was more that he was the aggressor in the debate and he had a clear vision and message and he prosecuted that through the entire debate. i think that's what president obama put president obama on his heels. not that he moved more moderately. these are excuse hes the democrats are coming up for the president's poor performance last week. it's more a strategy that governor romney put in place
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in the debate that was very effective. >> well, at least one thing, bret, the president doesn't have to worry about is the high altitude during this debate. >> that's right. >> there will be a different format. debate coach for governor romney and michele bachmann as well. good to he sigh. >> good to see you. >> coming up on the show did did -- american airlines still trying to recover from three seats coming loose in mid-air. how far they are trying to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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>> vice president debate joe biden said the administration did not know about requests for additional security before the attack that killed four americans in benghazi. we weren't told they wanted more security there. we did not know they wanted more security. and, by the way, at the time we were told exactly -- we said exactly what the intelligence community told us. that they knew. here is what officials who were on the ground in libya officials in washington said just one day earlier. >> struggled to obtain additional personnel but was never able to obtain the numbers he felt comfortable with. >> the number that we continued to come up with, and it is generally the same number that was requested in march, at my first request, was approximately 12 armed security. >> did you say that yesterday? that you would not support it
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if he gave you the request? >> under the current conditions, yes. >> we felt great frustration the fact that those demands were ignored or in some cases just never met. >> it was abundantly clear we were not going to get resources until the aftermath of an incident. >> so, was the administration just clueless or was there a coverup? joining us now middle east expert jeremiah o'keefe, good morning, jeremiah. >> good morning. >> if your top security personnel in benghazi is requesting 12 more armed people, why would the state department turn that down? >> >> well, you are capturing the bigger picture here that is at play. this is obama's flawed policy in the middle east coming home to roost again. what -- it is almost the same thing that he did in yemen when the uprising started there. president obama removed our marines from yemen when the uprising started there.
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in fact he curtailed cia activities in yemen when that uprising occurred. we have got this same low profile, if you will, strategy that the president has put across the region. and instead of wading into the battle, wading into the dynamics that are evolving in the region. it's more of a sit back, let's wait and see what happens. what's interesting is that general petraeus, our current director of the cia actually had to go to the president of the united states and request for greater flexibility to kill al qaeda in yemen a couple years ago after the uprising there. >> after this situation, jeremiah, let me ask you, clearly the request was made to the state department and the state department turned it down. based on their own reasons they say it was not budgetary concerns. this was not even an official u.s. consulate it was basically an outpost in benghazi. are those type of decisions usually handled in the state department?
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the white house usually does not know about that type of decision, do they? >> no, i disagree with you. the white house, the national security council under this president is well aware of the strategy, the posture that they want to take in a country or the region. this is a reflection of low profile, minimize our footprint and not provide the security that's needed. it's back fired on the president. you know, qaddafi has been dead for a year, we should have had 50 or 100 marines in there a day, a week, after qaddafi was killed to protect the embassy our cia operatives we had 12 to 20 operatives leave the country after ambassador stevens was killed they were only allowed to conduct surveillance. >> and jeremiah, why -- let me just drill down on that. why would they want to minimize our footprint? why just conduct surveillance? one of the theories is that the optics of having a big military presence isn't good for the u.s.
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but why leave our guys vulnerable? that's just it we now know and this is going to be breaking news in the next couple of days, few days here is that the cia did have chatter, communication, signals that they were picking up before the attack. during the attack and after the attack. but what happens if you have a presence in country that does not allow you to respond properly to that threat that's unfolding? okay? that's a position that we found ourself in because the president did not send marines there after qaddafi was killed. the cia was not allowed to do anything but surveillance. we should have been working with the locals on the ground. quite frankly, speaking plainly, covertly to begin taking out the bad guys, al qaeda in libya. that should have been going on for the last year. we haven't been doing that as governor romney said during his speech on the middle east a week ago, we need to be wading in and shaping the events that run folding in the region.
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now, sure you want this to be their own revolutions and everything else. the fact of the matter is embedded in that are lots of bad guys. we need to covertly begin taking care of those fellows. >> jeremiah o'keefe, thanks so much for your expertise this morning. >> you're welcome. >> all right. coming up: joe biden claimed to be all about the facts. was everything he said at thursday night's debate according to the facts? we'll take a look next. >> maybe it was all written in the stars for this little bundle of joy. we'll tell you about the incredible timing of her birth. you see us, at the start of the day. on the company phone list that's a few names longer. you see us bank on busier highways. on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank
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>> the problem is they always
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use these news people as the moderators. you need a catholic nun with a big ruler. lying, get your facts straight. biden, get that smirk off your face. [ laughter ] >> that's what i was doing at home. knock that smirk off your face. stop calling him "my friend." >> this is what he wants to do. >> this is how exercised he gets. >> meanwhile if you were watching the vice presidential debate you know that joe biden used the word fact a lot in fact here are the facts this is the fact. >> those are the facts. >> he used the word fact 26 times. so the fact checkers had a field day with going back and looking back if what both candidates really were the fact. >> you don't have to worry about fact checkers being under employed in this country. >> recession-proof. >> they have been so busy right now on both sides. because he said facts so many times the number of news organizations took the opportunity to take him on at his word about all of these things being facts, of course,
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here is vice president biden talking about taxes. was it a fact or fiction. take a listen. >> middle class will pay less and people making a million dollars or more about begin to contribute slightly more. >> that one is an interesting one because he used the million-dollar mark. well, that's moving the goal post. the president, under the tax plan. >> considerably. >> here is the fact. president obama has been promoting for years the threshold for a tax hike would be considerably lower, individuals making $200,000, not a million. >> right. >> 200,000. households making 250,000. >> was it just, you know, he he just said something off the cuff like that and didn't know it? that's a considerable shift in policy if that's indicates. >> considerable. absolutely. that's not moving the goal post. that's just moving it so far you can't even see it you are right. does that mean behind the scenes they are talking about that number? that's the question. >> hoping. because 200,000ness cities like new york, in cities like
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los angeles are certainly not struggling but that is far from being wealthy. they walked that aback a little bit on friday as far as that million-dollar mark. we are left to wonder is that a new approach from the administration. >> also wars. certainly foreign policy is joe biden's wheel house talked about the recession and two wars. take a listen to this. >> they talk about this great recession as if it fell out of the sky like oh my goodness where did it come from? it came from this man voting to put two wars on a credit card at the same time put a prescription drug benefit on the credit card, a trillion-dollar tax cut for the very wealthy. i was there i voted against them i said no we can't afford that. >> did you. >> according to the a.p. joe biden as senator did vote to authorize the use of force meaning go to war in both afghanistan and iraq. so when he says i voted against them, he must have been talking about the prescription drug benefit and the tax cut because he lumped them all together but he voted for the wars as well. >> got to be careful when you
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say fact, fact, fact. he also talked about the auto bailout and misrepresented a little bit the other side. here is what the vice president said. >> we knew we had acts in the middle class we immediately went out and rescued general motors. we went ahead and made sure we cut taxes for the middle class. in addition to that when that occurred, what did romney do? he said no, let detroit go bankrupt. >> the vice president is taking some liberties there. >> oversimplifying. >> because mitt romney being a private equity guy wanted a structured bankruptcy for these companies. structured means you go back into court you get to blow up some contracts that making, not meet your bottom line a judge helps decide. here are the facts according to a.p. in 2008 on he ed in the "new york times" he said he opposed using government money to bailout chrysler and general motors instead favoring privately financed bankruptcy. by the way that is what happened with chrysler and
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g.m. the vice president is glossing over some of that. >> that has helped the obama campaign specifically in ohio because repeatedly the advertisements and michigan repeatedly saying that the romney campaign wanted detroit to go bankrupt. that has had resonance. once you get into the nuances of it it though it's not as -- >> some argue if that private money was available the auto makers could be in better shape today than they currently are the government owns $18 billion right now in g.m. >> by the way, we should say that the fact checkers did not think that paul ryan had a flawless night either. they took issue with. so things he said. particularly that gotcha moment where joe biden says why did you advocate for stimulus money for your constituents? you also act. >> you sent out grant letters for stimulus money so they brought that up as well. >> so interesting. there was some stuff on libyas a well that paul ryan had been fact checked on as well. more on that coming up in the shows. we will talk to experts on that debate performance. >> meanwhile mitt romney and
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paul ryan both in the all important swing state of ohio today. but president obama off the trail. he is hunkering down in virginia preparing for round 26 the debates. hoping to avoid another bad performance against romney. peter doocy live in d.c. with more. looking ahead to this town hall on tuesday. should be fun. >> it should be fun. and, dave, president obama admitted this week he had a bad night at the first debate and the general consensus was that he lost round one. but round 2 is on tuesday night and the president is taking steps to make sure he improves later on this afternoon. is he going to fly on down to williamsburg, virginia, about 150 miles away from the white house to get ready for that town hall style debate. is he going to be hidden from the public eye. he doesn't have any scheduled rallies or events today. 's not like he is finished campaigning because last night he did grab dinner are some contest winners in d.c. the pictures of that dinner were blasted out online last night. as for the vice president joe
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biden, he is going to be joining mr. obama down in williamsburg later on tonight but he he has daytime events in connecticut and new york first. as for mitt romney, he is spending most of his saturday in ohio where he has shaved the president's lead to just 1 .3 percentage points. rally in portsmouth and a rally in lebanon and will get to sleep in his own bed in massachusetts overnight. meanwhile, his running mate congressman ryan is rallying in youngstown today before heading on home to janesville, wisconsin for the night. it's not the busiest weekend of the campaign season even though the elections is just a little bit more than three weeks away. 24 days away. mitt romney can expect a lot of enmuseum at the rallies he does hold because ever since that final -- that first debate, rather, his crowd has been growing. back to you. >> thanks, peter. all right. let's get to your headlines right now. we have more news to tell you
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about off the campaign trail. more repairs are on the horizon for american airlines. 48 planes were grounded last week because actual seats went flying. now the airlines says it will add a back up locking device on 49 other planes used for international flights. american airlines says it is a precautionary move. no flights are expected to be cancelled. i said they could have gone flying. a denver police officer thanking his lucky stars this his family is alive after getting this startling phone call. >> i was at work and i got a call that they said your house blue -- blew up. i actually thought it was a joke at first. that obviously was not the case. >> look at this. as you can see that blast left the house in pieces. the officer's wife and four of their nine children were inside at the time. amazingly, they all walked out alive. how is that possible? fire officials believe natural gas caused that explosion. well, the numbers just in to
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line up -- i'm sorry, iowa family. meet lay la fitzgerald. she was born at 8 pounds 9 ounces on thursday which was 10/11/12. at 13:14 in the afternoon in military time so 1:14 but the story gets even more strange. la lay's older brother last year was born on september 10th or 9/10/11. the family says their luck with numbers, they will have to start playing the lottery. that's a good idea. >> our own dave briggs just celebrated a birthday. >> 10/11/12. >> just turned 21. congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> you should also play the lottery. >> my first drink. i'm excited for that. >> first drink today. >> i didn't hear a word you said because i had other people in my ear the whole time. by the look on your face it was really funny and brilliant. >> we were wishing dave a
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happy birthday. >> of course. 10/11/12, buddy happy birthday. >> good to he see you. >> take a look at the weather maps. a cool morning to start across the east. >> 31? syracuse. 31 in burlington. ending the growing season across the northeast this morning. tonight will not be as cold. it will begin to move in tonight and tomorrow. take a look at your forecast for the day today. in around the northeast. chilly one overall. plenty of sunshine buoy cool temperatures. down to the southeast. a warmer day as well. in fact, a bit humid and we'll start to see the severe weather. you get a secondary severe weather season in the fall and that's what we're going to be dealing with today. severe weather from oklahoma and kansas and missouri. we're going to be talking possibly about some tornadoes, maybe even couple of large tornadoes. dangerous day there into the northern plains that severe weather stretches as well. omaha through much of iowa up
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towards about madison, wisconsin. to the north of that it will be better up towards fargo. a little more clearing. out to the west we will see snow across the rockies and more sunshine down across the southwest. all right, guys. send it back to you. >> thanks so much, rick. >> you bet. >> some americans in states like ohio have already cast their votes for president. what happens between that vote between now and november. where does it go? where does it sit? who is looking at it? >> are wind farms things that are killing america's bird population? >> it looked like it. >> it kept her up overnight last night. >> debunking the clean energy myth. so anyway, i've been to a lot of places. you know, i've helped a lot of people save a lot of money.
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>> alisyn: as we counted down to the big at a october 6th many people have cast their in ohio a million early votes have been requested. here to break it down is ohio treasure and republic candidate for senate josh mandel. good morning, josh. >> good morning, alli, how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. what's the controversy about early voting in ohio. >> sure. i wouldn't say it's a controversy. there are a lot of people voting early. i actually think it's a good thing. the more people we can have voting here in the state of ohio it's good net net for our state. and for our country. what we're concentrating on doing is encouraging as many people to vote and for the folks supporting me trying to get our people off the couch. s as with any election, ballot integrity and integrity of the election is the most important factor. >> you like early voting that still means that some the voters will have missed the presidential debates. they may have missed the vice
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presidential debate. don't you want them to see all that stuff before they vote? i will tell you what we're seeing a lot of, as of yesterday there were over a million absentee ballots requested across the state. what a lot of people are doing are keeping their ballots on the kitchen table on the table or home desk and just watching the debates, watching the news. going to town hall meetings. while a lot of people are requesting the ballots. the amount of people that have actually turned them back in is still relatively low. >> help us understand. this for those people who have turned it back in, who is keeping those votes? are those in a lockbox somewhere? i talked to a friend of mine at the secretary of state office and board of elections. after having those conversations i have confidence they are being kept safe and security secure. there are republicans and democrats responsible for the overwatch of those ballots. they are locked down and i do
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not know of any cases of those ballots being tampered with. i also understand that they are not counted until election day they are kept in a secure and locked location. they are not counted until election day until the polls are closed until election day. >> that's what i was wondering can anybody sneak a peek to determine how the earl little voting is leaning. >> i hope not. you get brains in politics who want to pontificate and guess how people are voting. just because someone is a registered democrat or a registered republic doesn't mean they are actually voting for the person in their party in high election we have too often conservative democrats especially in the appalachian part of the state who are supporting me over my opponent. i don't believe party registration is necessarily an indicator how someone is going to vote. >> interesting stuff. ohio has picked the winning president in the last 12 presidential elections. so, obviously it is a critical, crucial state.
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josh mandel. >> it is. >> josh mandel, ohio state treasurer, thanks for informing us how this early voting counts. >> thanks for having me on. >> turn the water off while brushing your teeth or don't do small loads of laundry? we have all heard those tricks to conservative water. does it really make that big difference? clean energy myths being debunked next. 67 years later a world war ii veteran finally receives medals that he earned while getting wounded in battle. we'll hear from him ahead. >> my name is donald, i'm an iron worker from new york. i believe if you work hard in this country, anything is possible. that's why i'm proud to be an measure. -- an american.
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hypocrisy alert liberals say it's conservatives who have abandoned science and reason. he can prove the left cast aside science when it suits them. joining us is doctor of real clear science and co-author of science left behind. >> thanks for having me on. >> has science become too politicized? >> yeah, it has. you know, it's been with science and politics mixing a lot. it seems to have -- it's tough to have a decent conversation about science in this country sometimes. >> you break down some myths in this book. myth number one you say that low flush toilets help conservative water. why is that a myth? >> yeah. not really. because most of our water, about 80% comes from either irrigation or powering power
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plants because, you know, cool and nuclear power plants all rely on water. that's how 80% of the water we use on a daily basis. domestic water use which means washing hands, brushing teeth and flushing a toilet is only about 12% of water use. the low flow toilets which are like 1.3 or 1.6 gallons, something like that, which is meant to conservative water, it really doesn't do much of anything. it's literally a drop in the bucket. >> there is no power to them. >> there is no power to them. we have had problems with sludge build ups in san francisco because of this and it smells bad. >> that's another subject. let's get to myth number two. chuckle about this one. wind farms have devastating impact on birds. we chuckle because there is video of a turbine taking out a bird. but you say this is a myth. how so? >> so, when turbines kill anywhere between 100 and 300,000 birds annually every
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year. that sounds like a lot until you consider that in new york city alone 90 thundershowers birds run into windows and die. if you extrapolate that throughout the country. if you have a cat, what your cat does when he is not around the house is he is out in the neighborhood murdering birds. and our cats kill around 500 million birds every year annually as well. so when you look at all the number of birds that die each year, wind turbines kill maybe .006% of all birds in this country it's a fraction of a fraction of fraction. >> many more myths just like that in the book. including some about hydro electric power as well. dr. alex, the book is "science left behind." thanks for being with us this morning. >> thanks for having me on, dave. >> coming up, the white house defending the vice president's comments that the administration was not told about additional security requests in libya. but are they forgetting what was said during a hearing this
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past week? we explore this at the top of the hour. also, business owners worried obama care is going to hurt their employees. how they are fighting back against big government when we continue. think you can't get great auto insurance coverage
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>> good morning, it's saturday august 13th. i'm alisyn cam rotted that. vice president joe baden blamed the lack of security in benghazi on budget cuts. is that fact or fiction. >> are debates helpful to the republic campaign and republic enthusiasts? >> people are getting behind this campaign we're taking back this country. >> but could it all fade away if the president wins the next big debate? that's on tuesday. plus if obama care is so great why are businesses doing what they can to try to avoid it the growing course of companies who simply can't afford it "fox & friends" hour
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two starts right now. ♪ thanks so much for joining us. this is a great way to begin your day it is a big weekend. there is so much to mine from the vice presidential debate. i thought that was a fascinating alcoholicful chock full debate. >> so much on line we want do the debate because he was so explosive and had so much animation for democrats. >> we should mention more people watch that debate on fox news including any other network including the broadcast networks we can say. >> however, we should put it in context it did not eclipse the ratings for vice president biden vs. sarah palin a few years ago. >> it was record-setting.
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it was close. >> do you think baseball got in the way. >> it could have been baseball. >> we start with the latest that came out of that debate regarding the attack on benghazi and the killing of ambassador chris stevens and the back and forth between the state department, the intelligence community and the white house with everyone looking to cast blame on somebody else. >> here is what vice president biden claimed was part of the problem. this lecture on embassy security. this congressman cut embassy security in his budget by $300 million below what we asked for number one. so much for the embassy security piece. >> by the way the "the washington post" fact checking on that they say that is not accurate that, in fact, the republic budget cut all nondefense discretionary spending which falls under by 19%. the vice president is extrapolating doing his own math and coming up with that number. the "the washington post" concluded that's not a real
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number. >> meanwhile, who is to blame for all of this. the white house on friday having to walk back the vice president's comments during the debate on thursday night when he he said we didn't know about. this where is the money coming from? who cut funding? were we ever aware of this in the first place to make this an official statement? jay carney yesterday at the podium talking about funding and saying, look, this is being politicized. >> so, i think going back to last night's debate the lack of understanding how this works may explain why congressman ryan consistently supported and authored budgets that slashed spending for diplomatic security and he now takes a different position on these matters in an aftermath which is lehrly part of an effort to politicize what should not be politicized. >> that is clearly the line from the white house. that it is just republicans trying to politicize the killing of ambassador stevens when, look, i think everyone deserves a little truth on this. you are not going to get it until at least after the election. but when it comes to the money, the financing, why was
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extra security not granted at that spot in benghazi? that was part of the hearing on the house floor. here is what took place. >> it's been suggested that budget cuts are responsible for a lack of security in benghazi and i would like to ask ms. lamb, you made this decision personally was there any budget consideration and lack of budget which led you not to increase the number of people in the security force. >> there no, sir. >> not money but the decision was charlene's because she then, charlene lamb at the state department, who then signed off on not allowing extra security. here is where it gets dicey. on that paperwork she said know to had to deal with tripoli not benghazi. at issue, of course, is the
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benghazi raid. they can get away with saying, i guess, or in their mind they can get away with saying we didn't authorize extra security but that security was tailored for tripoli. >> here is what is also securous and it came out during the oversight. they testified when they asked for more security and when it was denied, they did get an increase in pay. they got more. >> hazard pay. >> hazard pay. got more hardship pay because they t. was recognized they were in a dangerous area. it can't be the budget they increased their pay but wouldn't give them the additional security personnel armed that they were asking for. so this budget, it has been suggested, that the whole budget issue b. benghazi is a red herring. >> dick cheney the former vice president entering this whole debate basically saying on the sean hannity program that you can't have it both ways when it comes to using the intelligence community that we have here in the u.s. here is what he said. >> this part and parcel kind
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of thing we have seen previously they like to take credit for getting bin laden about the real guys who deserve credit are the special op.s guy in the military who went and got him. now a situation where they have trouble. they seem to be throwing off. they don't want to give the intelligence community the credit they deserve for the bin laden capture but perfectly prepared to place the blame on them when something goes wrong with the obama policy in the middle east. >> he knows what he is talking about because the bush administration dealt with their own intelligence failures there was a lot of blame. the bush administration pointing fingers at the intelligence community and that came back to bite them as it related to 9/11 and other things. >> we were supposed to fix that after 9/11. the dots were supposed to be connected. >> when you had computers in the fbi that were 10 years old that weren't talking toker ocomputers the cia? that should have been correct would. >> meanwhile, mitt romney has a spring in his step after both of these debates, he was proud of paul ryan and
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obviously proud of his own performance at his debate. is he in ohio with renewed energy. >> i have had the fun of going back and forth across ohio and this week i was also in florida and iowa. i was in north carolina, in virginia. you know what? there is a growing yes send doe of enthusiasm more energy and passion. people are getting behind this campaign. >> i thought he was going to go howard dean there. i thought it was about to happen'. >> i was waiting for it too. >> he kicked -- >> if only howard came on the stage and. >> the romney campaign does say three times in the last couple of weeks they have had over 10,000 people at their events which is a big big number to cross. >> a little over 20 days to go. can you believe it? >> um-huh.
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>> can it come soon enough? >> all right, in the meantime, let's get to your headlines. more news to tell you about. including this important story there is a manhunt underway in colorado at this hour to catch a child's killer. we now know the body found wednesday is 10-year-old jessica ridgeway. she disappeared last friday while walking to school. her body was found seven miles from her home. officials used d.n.a. to identify her because her body was in bad shape. to mutilate a body like i have heard that he did, i wish it could be done to them. >> i just went and made fliers today and i have been passing them out. and i feel like, you know, like i waited too long. >> it's so horrible for people in the community feel guilty worried the killer may strike again. police are telling the community to be on alert and report anyone they notice with a sudden change in ghafer or appearance. there is fear a u.s. citizen may have been abducted in afghanistan. according to reuters afghan
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police say an american and comaddian were feared to be kidnapped in the wardak area near kabul. nate led forces aware of the report. u.s. and canadian diplomats say they're unaware of any missing citizens. >> 67 years later one of our nationest greatest heros from world war ii being recognized for his courageous service. montreal receiving nine medals including the bronze star and purple heart. he left high school in 1944 to gin the army and wounded during the 1945 invasion at okinawa. >> >> doctors taking care of me they said [inaudible] i have a shrapnel that came right in here and just a few more inches i might not have been standing here today. >> he later worked in the veterans administration. his daughter says he rarely
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spoke of his service but recently decided he wanted to receive the medals that he was so deserving of. what a nice story. those are your headlines. >> check in with rick reichmuth now he is so deserving of the title of chief meteorologist. also my barometer for fall temperatures this morning. >> tell me? >> going pumpkin picking today. >> i had a frozen wind chill chill -- windshield this morning. if you are interior in the northeast this morning getting up you are going to need a scraper or don't go outside until 11:00. it will be melted off at that point. >> don't leaf your house at 3:30 a.m. >> until memorial day. >> it's certainly the coldest morning across the northeast. there is actually a lot going on today weatherwise fall oftentimes a calm season not today. >> that is tropical depression patty. not a store. this is tropical storm rafael:
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getting up to around hurricane status going toward bermuda over the next four days. then go back in toward the mainland u.s.a. severe weather again. generally a severe primary season in the spring that's when we see the worst of the tornadoes. secondary peek of severe weather season and that is in the fall. we have that for us today anywhere from down around the big bend of texas stretching up towards wisconsin is going to see severe weather today. the bulls eye where we could be seeing tornadoes is from around kansas city down to oklahoma city and some of these possibly could be some large tornadoes. anybody in this area a lot of games going on today need to pay very close attention to this storm. we haven't talked about severe weather for quite a while. it's back for us again today. >> thanks for that heads up. >> you bet. >> scraper. get it out. >> coming up, as we have been talking about, vice president joe biden's comments on libya getting lots of criticism. so did he throw the intelligence community under the bus to save face on benghazi.
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lt. colonel tony shaffer weighs in next. >> how one canadian company is blocking freedom from rising ♪ [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do. ♪ one, two, three, four ♪ ♪ you say ♪ flip it over and replay ♪ we'll make everything okay ♪ walk together the right way ♪ do, do, do, do
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>> vice president biden blaming of course the intelligence community regarding the benghazi terrorist attack that killed four americans. during the vice presidential debate here is what the vice president said. >> there were protests. >> that's exactly what we were told by the intelligence community. intelligence community told us that as they learned more facts about exactly what happened, they changed their assessment. >> and they wanted more security. >> there well, we weren't told they wanted more security there we did not know they wanted more security there. by the way, at the time we were told exactly we said exactly what the intelligence community told us that they knew. that was the assessment. as the intelligence community changed their view we made it clear they changed their view. >> so did the v.p. throw the intelligence community under the bus? joining us now to weigh in is
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senior fellow at the center for advanced defense studies lt. colonel tony shaffer. good to see you, sir. >> thanks for having me. >> again, joe biden said we said exactly what the intelligence community told us that they knew. did they? >> no. of course not. there is folks like me who are are getting information from our friends on the inside within 24 hours. further, there was actionable intelligence. these guys. these attackers were coordinating their activities via blogs and social media if the cia didn't see it they are wrong. i'm told they did see it this information was sent up the chain of command multiple ways. what vice president biden is saying is either a lie. or someone lied to him and the president. they threw everybody under the bus. you saw the three week delay from the fbi. the fbi could have been there in 48 hours. this whole premise of budget. give me a break military has a
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separate budget. wood said they wanted to stay there that comes out a different pot of money a pot that wasn't touched. the vice president clearly is politicizing this. >> lt. colonel it may help in the wake of the bin laden killing to talk about our intelligence community to talk about the navy seals building morale. what happens in a moment like this when we have got folks working hard around the world. what happens in our intelligence community when they are thrown thrown under the bus like this? >> you are seeing a revolt. i have had people ask me to come talk to them i have never talked to them before because they are trying to say look this wasn't us. i have been critical of the intelligence community before. been here on the show talking about the failures they have had. this was not them. they were told in many ways to sit on their hands, don't do their job and in benghazi that's one of the reasons you didn't seen one of the details needed. what we did see was frightening there was a pattern leading up to the
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attack. that's what was ignored. let me be very clear here, jay carney supposedly said that the president was briefed. president obama was briefed on the 10th of september about global security. either they didn't tell the truth about security in benghazi or something else is awry here. but the elements of this story are not adding up. >> what i can't quite reconcile is now we know right away the benghazi consulate said there was no proof of a protest. >> right. >> we do have video there was a clear attack on our facility. was there any intelligence that this had anything to do with the protest related to, of course, that film. >> no. and i think this is where everybody should start focusing. there is a reason why that information was put out. right now, there is no one no
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indication that whole video story is true. cut out of whole cloth there is a reason why that information was put out i think there is a deeper, darker bad reason they are trying to cover this up. over the next three weeks we will see a lot more on it it? >> will we? it's as bad as it seems. >> how do we get the truth on this? >> first all the hearings are useful. i listened to the entire hearing last night there. there is little clues people ought to be able to pick up on. secondly, my sources tell me there was other things going on within that consulate that the white house doesn't want to talk about because it's going to make them look really really bad. ultimately that's why you see all these different stories going different directions because it's hard when you are trying to lie to keep a lie focused the truth is they knew this was an attack they tried to cover it up and you will see more in the next couple of week glts truth won't come out until after the election,. >> we will see. >> thanks as always for being here. >> thank you. >> still ahead, a tainted steroid shot causes a major
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outbreak of meningitis across the country killing 14 people and the numbers may only rise. dr. mark seagull here next with the scary outbreak what it means to you. national symbol at risk because the federal government is letting indian tribes break the law. we'll explain that coming up. [ male announcer ] let's say you need to take care of legal matters.
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>> hey, welcome back. time for nuts news by the numbers now. $1 trillion, u.s. budget deficit topping that number for the fourth straight year. president obama had promised
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to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. next, 51.4 million, that's how many people watched the vice presidential debate on tv between paul ryan and joe biden. fox news the top cable network 10 million viewers. >> topped any network. >> combined can't even top them. try. the asbury park press reporting that's how much the government spent on experimental text terror program in new jersey. police say there are not been any credible tips so far using that service. >> that's a relief. there are more developments this morning in the deadly meningitis outbreak that has claimed the lives of 14 people. the number of confirmed cases now at 185 across 12 states. >> roughly 14,000 have been exposed to the recalled drug. will cece more cases and could you be at risk? joining us now is dr. marc
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siegel associate professor of medicine at nyu and part of our medical a team there is a new headline this morning on this new fungus that they have discovered, right? >> absolutely. the new headline is that in tennessee where most of the cases are. they have found a second fungus that's associated with it not just the one we have been talking about, which actually means the inoculating period. the period of time which you can actually get sick is a lot longer than we thought. it can be several weeks. however, if you haven't gotten sick. and you received one of these shots. look, clayton, you cannot get sick unless you received a shot. >> it is not contagious. >> it is not contagious. you can only get sick if you received a shot that came from this particular new england compounding center which has since been closed down. centers for disease control is tracking all the 13 cases that have been exposed. we're finding 1% to 2% incidence of people getting sick from this.
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fever, stiff neck, malaise or not thinking clearly headache and sensitive to the light. those are the most common symptoms. i do not want people out there to be thinking about this unless they received one of these shots the reason? outbreak keeps growing because it lays dormant for a while and you don't know you have it? >> between the time you got the shot and you got sick it can be several weeks. the longer it is the less likely it is. >> be clear what type of shot it is. a lot of people getting flu shots right now. should they be concerned? what kind was this back pain. >> they literally put it right into your spine. there is an alert to make sure that anyone that got a shot from this pharmacy whether it was something in the shoulder oring? the back could they also get infection from that right now only finding it from the spine. medication a farm -- form of
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steroid. not coming from the manufacturer but middle man. the f.d.a. doesn't reach in and regulate this. you could go to your doctor and say where did it come from? which steroid is it. >> i have never heard of a come pounding pharmacy until this outbreak are they more dangerous. >> there is 7500 of them in the united states. i wouldn't made make a broad statement that they are more dangerous. i will tell you they are creeping up in one part because we have a big drug shortage and medications are so expensive. compounding pharmacy comes. in they can do it for cheaper. they put it together in a way that's tailoredo specific needs. the states usually look over them not the f.d.a. the f.d.a. is the organization that is good at looking for sterility. this fungus is in the air. this only got in there because somebody wasn't following the right protocol. >> if had you a shot recently in your spine or even in your arm from one of these compounding pharmacies check with your doctor to see.
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>> clayton it is only one compounding pharmacy. >> right that one up in massachusetts. >> the one in massachusetts. this is a reminder for us. if you are getting a shot, there is always a risk of introducing foreign body, infection. people should realize i do need this shot? i don't want to scare anyone out there. i think the fact that it's not contagious calm. this is a wakeup call. did you need that back shot. every time you put a needle in your body you are taking a risk of introducing an an infection. >> appreciate it. >> coming up on the show if obama care is so great, why are some businesses across the country trying to work around the guidelines? >> plus, this dog proving you never leave a buddy behind as he jumps into a river to save some friends. a closer look at this rescue straight ahead.
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>> welcome back to "fox & friends" on this saturday morning. you know, we here on the show have spoken to a lot of small business owners who are struggling to deal with how to implement obama care as it moves forward for their business having to take seminars. i have spoken to small business owners off cameras to say they have had to go to seminars to learn what going on in their business. unreported as of late has been the large businesses that are also grappling how to test market some of the impacts of obama care on their company. >> at love the things haven't even gone into place yet. you have got businesses lining up looking for ways out of some of the mandates that will fall under obama care. once everything begins to trickle in place over the next year or two including some of the major restaurants. >> i used to work at olive
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garden i was a host. >> and mcdonald's don't forget. >> test marketing and looking at of course darr done owns red lobster and longhorn. >> anything that has a bottomless bowl of pasta is a place where clayton has worked number one. what's significant is this week they announced that they're considering doing a radical change to their employees. they have 180,000 employees around the country. and they are considering moving them or a majority of them from full-time employment to part time because the obama care law stipulates that if you only if you work 30 hours or more do you need to provide healthcare for your employees. if they make everybody under 30 hours a week they can find this loophole basically and get around it and. >> they are going to test it? >> test it out. not doing it they are considering it. >> test it at a few restaurants. >> how will it hurt those workers? and, of course, the heart of all of this is the mandate.
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and really franchise restaurants seem to be the one lining up across the board saying this will impact them. meanwhile, you know what's happened in new york, right? it's the large beverage crackdown from michael bloomberg. cracking down on anything over a 16-ounce sugary beverage. now the war is officially on because there has been a lawsuit filed on behalf of the other side. they say these are unfair. these are hurting their business practices. >> bloomberg just came in a second ago because dave had a massive extra large dunkin' doughnut drink here on the table. >> all right. did i try to hide that. >> bloomberg came in and took it away. >> he actually thanked dave. >> listen, mine is not a sugary beverage. that's a black coffee. >> that's still aloud. >> only allowed this side. >> you can have a big coffee but can't have more than 16 ounces of sugar. now restaurants, small businesses, soft drink makers are suing mayor bloomberg. they just announced this
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yesterday. we will see who prevails if mayor bloomberg is allowed to try to cut down on obesity as some people call this the nanny state this measure or if he he is cracking too much on businesses. >> seems to be easy. everyone drinks soda out of standard 16 or 20-ounce bottles. now they cannot sell those. will they have to change their business practices for one state. not easy to change entire model for one state. also how will it impact people like movie theaters and restaurants being you can go to 7/11 and get a big gulp you can't go to mcdonald's and get a 32-ounce soda. will it unfairly benefit some the convenience stores and hurt small restaurants. >> they claim it's. >> do you want me to argue this case? i'm good. >> i'm trying to think how to sneak things in a purse. what kind of hearse would you have to bring in to a movie. >> you always sneak in goobers in your purse.
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president obama stepping away from the campaign trail for a little while. doubled down on debate preps for round 2 coming up on tuesday in that town hall meeting. is he looking to improve than the bad showing first debate. peter doocy with more this morning. the president hunk hunkering down on debate preps. >> that's right. virginia is a critical swing state with 24 days to go until the election. 13 electoral votes. the president leads by half a point in the real clear average of polls. president obama is going to spend most of his weekend in southern virginia in williamsburg but he will not be campaigning. he will, instead, be practicing for tuesday's town hall debate in new york. the president plans to fly down to williamsburg this afternoon for debate prep. the vice president joe biden fresh off his one and only debate is going to join him later on today after he attends fundraisers in connecticut and new york. meanwhile the republic ticket is going to spend today's
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daylight hours in ohio where the president's lead is down to 2.6 points in the real clear politics average and mitt romney is going to spend the afternoon in portsmouth tea at a rally with jamie o'neil the country singer and lebanon, ohio a big rally before heading off to massachusetts to sleep in his own bed for the night. all this as his running mate is up in youngstown, ohio, holding a town hall meeting at youngstown state university before spending the night in his home in janesville, wisconsin. the home stretch the g.o.p. candidates will spend the night in heir homes while the incumbents get ready for round 2 of the debate with the top of the ticket about 160 miles away from the white house. back to you. >> thanks, peter with that frost up in the new england area, i like the candidates in their fall jackets. they have little. >> members only jacket with the wording. >> popped color. keep your eye on the fall jackets making their appearance. i'm going to start a web site
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devoted to it. >> very nice, thank you. we need to get to your evidence lines right now because we do have a fox news alert for you. there are reports we are getting into our newsroom out of libya that there has been a failed assassination attempt on a police colonel there. this happened in benghazi. someone reportedly planted a bomb under his car. it exploded while he was still in his house. fortunately no one was hurt. no one has claimed responsibility for this at this time. we will keep you posted throughout the show. well, call it a steel trap. the port authority of new york and new jersey suing a steel company for failing to deliver the steel for the world trade center. demanding $6 million in payments before another project before shipping. adf had no immediate comment. our nation's symbolic bird now at risk even though it's a federal crime. the justice department will now allow recognized indian tribes to possess eagle feathers. the bald eagle protection act
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prohibits killing eagles possessing feathers and parts. will not face charges for wearing or carrying federally protected birds, bird parts or feathers. attorney general eric holder says the policy strikes the right balance between destroying animals and protected tribe members. a dog alerts a lifeguard to save two of his fellow pals. [dog barking] >> two terrified. >> he is saying here, here i come. hang on in that canoe. two terrified dogs are floating down river, stuck in a canoe when one bold black lab goes in after them. he swims furiously against the current while his owner cheers from the shore the dog finally is able to grab the rope on the front of the boat and tow the others back to shore.
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this video quickly going viral online with more than 55,000 hits on union. >> question for you camerota. >> yeah. >> where is the owner? how do the dogs get in the canoe? is this like a disney movie they just decided to go on an adventure? [. [ buzzer ] >> myelo and ottis decided to go across the country. >> they were dog paddling. >> version of lewis and clark trying to find the western expansion. >> you get to the bottom of this. i'm going to talk a little sports now folks. what ha night it was on friday. imagine for a moment how much work would get done in congress if two washington, d.c. area teams were playing for the world series. hard to do less than they are doing now. we should probably exhale knowing both d.c. area teams have been eliminated. now we can take care of this fiscal cliff cardinals were down six runs at one point.
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amazingly score four runs in the ninth. not going to show you any of them. we are going to show you a celebration on the field as the cardinals wrap it up. 9-7. >> d.c. bureau and they cut all the highlights. >> i want you to seat greatest post season come back in baseball history. >> nope. >> wow. 9/7 is the final score. why get cardinals and giants fox broadcast network 8:00 eastern time. the other one is the tigers and yankees that starts tonight in new york 8:00 eastern time. >> you can't have major records set in baseball anymore. we he have had like three first time in major league baseball happen during this round of the major league playoffs. >> it has been interesting. come back from 6-0 that's incredible. >> check in with rick reichmuth fall temperatures. >> best part is watching
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alisyn's face while you talk. every time that's the best part. really quick, so these guys here, you are from, where? >> woodstock, connecticut. >> that's like 170 miles from here. and you have never been to new york. >> never. >> well, welcome finally for taking your 170-mile journey down to new york city. all right. take a look at the maps, guys. and this amazing picture from boone, north carolina. not right at boone. it's from fosco. i finally decided where to go next fall is down to the mountains of north carolina. 32 degrees right now. get up to 58 today. spectacular. keep sending me your pictures rick reichmuth at twitter or put them on facebook page. in across the northeast today a cool day. this morning the coldest day we have had since april. not as bad. tomorrow back into the 70s for almost everybody. down into the southeast going to be dialing with storms across the south, mostly clear but big storms from texas up
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through kansas and missouri and even into the northern plains. go to the north of this. severe weather today the threat for severe weather up. up towards bismarck looking good and out across the west. rain back in the pacific northwest. back to you. thanks. >> was the vice presidential debate really the time and place for laughs? >> he advocated for constituents applying for grants. [ laughter ] >> that's what we do. we ado that for all constituents. >> i love that. i love that. >> so, will smirking joe biden have an effect on voters? we'll take a look back at past debates and how they affected the election. presidential historian nic ragone is up here next. >> and actor stacy dash from clueless facing major backlash from the left for supporting mitt romney. is it because hollywood is more likely to be outspoken liberals or does the color of her skin have something to do with it as well?
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>> welcome back to "fox & friends." vice president joe biden joe biden quard off in the vice presidential debate of the election. some say biden's smiles and smirks reminded them of al gore's sighs in the 2008 presidential election. >> they say the military option is on the table not being viewed as credible. the key is to do it peaceful this idea came from the clinton commission to save medicare chaired by senator john bro. here is the point, martha if we don't fix this problem pretty soon than current seniors get cut. >> will the vice president's seemingly irpated attitude effects those in the polls
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here we cap of thursday night's debate nic ragone good to see you this morning. >> good morning, clayton. >> people criticizing. seems like it was coming from the right. democrats are excited that their attack dog got out there and defended the position that they wanted president obama to be defending the other night that he didn't. how does this whole thing shake out? >> it was very bidenesque performance. the left and the base loved it because he did what president obama didn't do which was go after paul ryan. attack and interrupt. swing voters and republicans felt like the constant smiling and snickering and kind of laughing was at times poorish in manners there is a backlash on his style even though on the substance i think a lot of people think he did well. on the style not so much. >> the style may have overshadows the substance which he seemed if you look on twitter what stuck out was the sides and the smirking a lot
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what happened with the gore debate with candidate bush with all of the sighing off camera. take a listen. >> what's what a governor gets to do. medicare and prescription drugs and social security. [sigh] >> it it's going to require somebody who can work across the partisan divide. the difference in our plans is i want that 2,000 to go to you. >> so all of the sighing it seemed like al gore had won that debate right, nic? but then it wasn't until a few days later or just right after that when this sighing thing came out it turned things for then vice president gore on its head, didn't it? >> if there was a twitter back in 2000. joe biden's sigh would al gore won on substance but each one of the debates had a weird thing going on. first thing was sigh last one was that awkward invasion of
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bush's personal space. the going forward about the laugh not about the substance of his debate. that's a problem. >> there was similarities you thought between ryan and edwards from when then candidate edwards was challenges cheney. how so? >> if you remember that debate. dick cheney came outenned immediately said this is the first time i have ever met you as to say you are a newcomer. you we don't know how are. i think there is that stature gap with vice president bide den and paul ryan. i have been around for a long time you are kind of new in the neighborhood. it was something that the vice president was trying to take advantage of the way dick cheney completely disarmed by dick edwards by saying who are you and what are you doing here? >> thanks it to nic ragone for
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being here. big bird and smiling and smirking. see how long those hold. come up, actress stacy dash fights off racial attacks all because she tweeted support for mitt romney. does the color of her skin have something to do with all the backlash? >> thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing we doth offer so many discounts, we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners' discounts? here we go. thank you. he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kinom. more discounts than we knoweth what to do with. now, that's progressive. boproductivity up, costs down, thtime to market reduced... those are good things. upstairs, they will see fantasy. not fantasy... logistics. ups came in, analyzed our supply chain, inventory systems... ups? ups.
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not fantas who would have thought? i did. we did, bob. we did. got it.
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actress stacy dash getting slammed on social media for making this endorsement. she wrote vote romney. the only choice for your future that tweet launched a firestorm of attacks from the left. was it because hollywood celebrities were most likely to be liberals or does the color of her skin have something to do with this backlash. conservative black
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crystal rice how are you. >> >> how are you doing. >> actress says she has received a lot of hate mail since she took to twitter to voice her support for mitt romney. does that surprise you? >> no. sadly it doesn't surprise me. ever since i started my blog and got more vocal as a black republic i have been slammed with words i could never repeat on the air. i have been called an oreo and sell-out everything under the sun. i sympathize with stacy dash. real ward going on waging with black conservatives. they want to silence us. i'm proud that stacy dash came out. she said she is supporting mitt romney and paul ryan because the country is broken. stacy said that she was very convinced by when governor romney and his wife ann went on meet the press. she said she sold him he has the best plan out of this
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malaise. governor mcdonald which when she'll lay johnson endorsed him in 2010. that helped his campaign. >> it's interesting to hear you had the same reaction that people went after you and they called you things like an oreo. she too says her blackness is being questioned. why is that? >> it's funny, alli. i wrote about this for the root dc which is the "the washington post" blog. and the problem is i think democrats have co-opted our history if you will. the narrative about which party really did most for blacks. and that's the republic party. it was the republic party that freed the slaves. it was the republic party that passed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments and by the way the civil rights act secured passage for it but democrats have co-opted that narrative and we have got to seize control of that so when black republicans come out and say hey, you know, i'm exercising my first amendment right, we get slammed. we get put back in what i call the black box. and, you know what?
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i never read the black memo that said i have to be a democrat and it's -- >> -- it's crazy. >> i didn't get that one. >> crystal rice thanks so much for coming in and sharing your experience about. this we appreciate it more "fox & friends" in a few minutes. bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help people and businesses who were affected, and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy -- and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. we've shared what we've learned with governments and across the industry so we can all produce energy more safely. i want you to know, there's another commitment bp takes just as seriously: our commitment to america. bp supports nearly two-hundred-fifty thousand jobs in communities across the country. we hired three thousand people just last year. bp invests more in america than in any other country. in fact, over the last five years,
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card just for inquiring about the sleep number bed. ask about our risk-free 30-night in-home trial. call now for your free information kit and a free $50 savings card. call now! >> good morning, it's saturday, october 13th. i'm alisyn camerota. benghazi four americans were killed but who is to blame for not beefing it up. >> matters of security personnel are appropriately discussed and decided upon at the state department by those responsible for it. >> is the white house playing the game blame within their own administration? we report, you decide. >> and after a heated debate between the two vice presidential candidates, there is only one question that still remains what was so. >> in spite of their opposition. >> governor huckabee knows.
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he is here weigh in. >> must have been like a clown off camera. didn't see, right? >> they fight for our freedom but finding work after war is not easy. that's why one fire department is making it their mission to hire only veterans. unbelievable story as "fox & friends" hour 3 starts right now. ♪ gobletion xz thages to be toolings -- good morning. everybody. thanks for tuning. in awkward thing smiling. [ laughter ] >> when he smiled i kept getting angrier. >> he knew he was going to be on a split screen. that's the thing he knew he was going to be on camera while he was talking. >> was it calculated. >> absolutely he knew where those cameras were do you know who has the this bill clinton.
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[ laughter ] >> all right. let us get to your headlines right now. we have to to tell you and update you on this terrible story turning all their attention to finding a child's killer. the body found wednesday is that of 10-year-old jessica ridgeway. she disappeared last friday while walking to school. her body was found 7 miles from her home. officials used d.n.a. to identify her body because it was in bad shape. to mutilate a body like i heard he did, i wish it could be done to him. >> i just went and made fliers today and have been passing them out and i feel like, you know, like i waited too long. >> the community is so devastated. police are telling the community to be on alert and to report anyone they noticed with a sudden change in behavior or appearance. officials say the iranian government is behind the cyber attacks on u.s. banks by supporting the network of
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hackers. banks web sites were knocked off line for hours. concern the attacks will become more sophisticated and cause more damage to the financial system. this week's defense secretary leon panetta it announcing new procedures to put in place to block future attacks and retaliate if necessary. more repairs are waiting at the gate for american airline planes. 48 planes were grounded last week because the actual seats were coming loose. american airlines install backup devices on the four other planes used for international flights. precautionary move. no flights are expected to be cancelled. republic vice presidential nominee paul ryan taking time campaigning to meet with troops in ohio. ryan and his family shook hands with 8 members of the pennsylvania national guard at columbus airport. the troops are on their way to fort hood, texas where they were deploy to afghanistan at the end of the year. and paul ryan's kids soaking up the moment as well. they sat in joe biden's chair at the v.p. debate and now
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they are having some fun for the camera on the campaign trail. >> even the kids know how to use the camera. right? >> those badger fans are they? >> look who is here good friend huckabee talking about everything happening with 24 days left before the election. of course this benghazi story spinning out of control what is your take away? joe biden the other night clearly said this is the intelligence we had we said what we had from the intelligence community. what went down in the breakdown of communication? >> there are a lot of filters between the information that is obtained on the ground through the intelligence community, through the state department and on to the white house. it is very possible that joe biden and barack obama personally were not briefed. that's possible. i find it implausible but it is possible. if that's the case, there was a filter somewhere that kept that information from getting
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personally to them which is dereliction of duty of someone within the administration. there is no way that information of that nature would have been contained and set on by the intelligence community. >> is this initem nic -- endemic in the administration. it just didn't arrive to him in time or whatever it was. is information just not getting to the place, the people within the administration that are supposed to be the decision makers? >> let's keep in mind part of it is the fact that the president has only attended 42% of his own national security briefings that happen each morning. this is one of the fundamental, i think, duties of a president is to make sure that he understands what's happening in the world not just what's happening in his or her campaign. that's one of the failures, i believe, of the obama administration that eventually will come out. but here is what i am going to predict. we have seen a lot of smoke blowing. i think we are going to see whistle blowing. here is why. people in the intelligence
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community are insulted, they have been denigrated. they have been held in essence out to dry for this whole debacle. and i guarantee you some of these people who are highly professional who put their lives and their families' lives on the lines to do what they do are going to at some point going to start saying okay, we're going to get the truth out. it's going to start leaking. you will see stories within the next 10 days that will spill some beans. >> that's already happened in terms of acre nordstrom and andrew wood the two guys that were with -- they came forward because they wanted to talk about what he was going on on the ground in benghazi. we want to move to the debate and some of the style issues over substance what did you think about joe biden's affect his demeanor. >> was he affected? i think he clearly was. somewhere two thirds of the way into the debate he took his ritalin and calmed down. up until that point it was truly bizarre behavior.
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here is what i think it was planned it was planned that he was going to go out and be dismissive and contemptuous and to try to sort of say paul ryan is not ready for prime time. that's a nice view, young man. the problem is i believe while he was coached to be dismissive and there was probably a very specific plan, he overplayed it. you know, it's one thing to act. it's a horrible thing to overact. it's worse to under act than to overact. and that's what he did. he overacted the role. >> stepped too far even for those of our viewers who perhaps didn't see it he was laughing so much, too. >> 53 smiles if you are wondering. >> had people out. you have four americans dead. what was so funny. here is a look. >> i don't know what world you guys are in. >> thank heavens we had these actions actions in place. in spite of the. given 20 waivers of this
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sanction. all i have it to point to are the results. two occasions we advocated for constituents who were applying for grants. [ laughter ] >> that's what we do. we do that for all constituents who are -- >> -- i love that, i love that. >> look, this is a plan. by the way that $6,400 maybe is totally inaccurate now. this is a plan that is bipartisan. he will keep saying this 5 trillion-dollar plan i suppose. it's been discredited by six other studies and even their own deputy campaign manager acknowledged that it wasn't correct. >> okay o. so there you go. >> is that joe being joe? >> part of it is joe being joe but again it's an attempt to take away attention to the issue and seriousness of it i wish in the middle of one of joe's historical laughing fits that paul would have stopped in mid sentence, just stopped, silence would have broken everything and he would have turned to joe biden and said excuse me, mr. vice president, i have been talking about the fact that iran is this close to getting nuclear devices,
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i'm pretty sure that in israel tonight, as parents are tucking their children into bed wondering if they are going to be vaporized they are not laughing. could you please share with all of us what is so doggone funny? i think -- >> -- that would have been effective. >> in one of those moments you wish -- you think you want to say something to someone you want to walk away i should have said that it didn't happen. who won the debate? when you look at those numbers. democrats were energized and thrilled when he did what president obama didn't do. laughing and smirking the whole time. 6% swing voters. did it do anything to move the needle? >> let me give you indication. yesterday on the radio show we took callers almost the entire day getting reaction. here is what i found interesting. women in particular, overwhelmingly, independent, even some who said they were women who were democrats and over said it was offensive to them and here is what many of them either tweeted or said on the phone. they said their children were watching with them and their children would say mommy, that
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man on the left, is he being rude, isn't he? and it came across to kids out of the mouth of babes sometimes the greatest wisdom comes. >> i was more turned off by "my friend." when you have someone in opposition to you and you keep calling them "my friend" as did he 15 times. that's not just condescending it's dismissive of the opponent. >> i will tell you this my friend -- >> -- hey. >> we are friends and we do call you our friend. and we mean it there. >> there is a difference, yes, indeed. >> i mean it, too. i really do. >> people are still talking about when joe biden talked about the exemption of the catholic churches when it comes to contraception. let's play what he said and get your reaction. here is what he said about the mandate. >> let me make it absolutely clear. no religious institution catholic or otherwise including catholic social
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services, georgetown hospital, mercy, any hospital. none has to either refer contraception, none has to pay for contraception, none has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. that is a fact. that is a fact. >> >> your response to that? >> that is not a fact. i will tell you what, here is who you can decide to believe. cardinal dolland, the archbishop of new york and all of the catholic leaders who are suing the federal government and if that were true what joe biden just said. i don't think the catholic church would be taking the extraordinary leap of suing the government as are a number of private businesses like hobby lobby as are a number of evangelical institutions. >> take a look at this poll. catholics overwhelmingly supporting president obama right now. that is down where traditionally catholics have been much higher for democrats. none the less still a pretty large margin.
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>> it is and it is surprising to me particularly in light of how proabortion the obama administration has been and how he has come out for same sex marriage, clearly in opposition to catholic church teaching. and especially in relationship to this. now, what joe by deb is probably parsing here -- biden is parsing here is the only way you can get away with it is say we are not providing the contraceptives our insurance companies are. so it's a transference. it's still your money going to the insurance company and the insurance company is providing it it's a nice way to try to trick the system. i think people have of integrity know that if it's still your money essentially that's providing it doesn't matter if you are using a third party to do it. it's like saying i didn't buy those drugs. i gave the money to a kid who went out and bought the drugs. it's ridiculous. >> i haven't heard a lot about it on the campaign trail. maybe we will 24 days. the governor sticking around for this in 2008 the president
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said he would bridge the partisan divide. new polls say he is making us more divided. the surprising results next. >> and it turns out those strange noises coming from the car weren't from the engine. something was stuck in the axle for days. that engine literally purchased. [ male announcer ] when these come together, and these come together, one thing you can depend on is that these will come together. delicious and wholesome. some combinations were just meant to be. tomato soup from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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>> we're back with governor huckabee. we should also say that while we're going to get to this in a second. president obama has campaigned as you will recall. he was promising to bridge the divide. the partisan divide. he was going to be the post par san president. that has not happened. new polls that show that he hasn't done that show those first. according to gallup the president's 82% percentage gap among democrats and republicans is on pace to be the largest gap for an incumbent president that gallup has ever measured. but before we get to that we just want to say that the poll that we showed before the break before where catholics are leaning, that was done before the debates. before the presidential and vice presidential debate. it's very possible that those some of those catholic numbers have tilted more towards governor romney now. >> most polls certainly have changed since that debate including the swing states
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back to that partisan divide, governor. this was going to be the president that brought everyone together. what happened? is he the most partisan president in recent history? >> i have never remembered one that campaigned more in a partisan fashion nor governed in one. you know, look, in an election, presidents go out every office holder goes out and takes one for the team and does the party cheer. i get that i was with president bush many times in the campaign trail both in the 2000 election and in 2004 re-election. i never heard him go out and regularly blast every democrat all the time. he spoke more about what he was gonna do not what the democrats had done wrong. when you listen to barack obama it's blame blame blame. and it's also, if you look at how he governed, obama care didn't get a single republic vote. when the republicans put something on the table. it doesn't even get brought up to be voted on by the senate. it is a very partisan atmosphere and i do think it's worse and it is different.
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you were out on the campaign trail. george bush vs. john kerry. it seems like it was very polarized. >> 80% to 5. new poll president obama says 90%. 80% to 90%. still polarizing. what's different this time you? were around during bill clinton bob doll years. -- dole years. >> this is where the funnel starts. everybody gets really hard core. republicans get an adamant. democrats get adamant about theirs. don't hate each other. what i am sensing now intensity i have not seen before. a lot of it is red because i'm a republic. i'm not objective and not pretending to be objective. i do think that the president has pushed buttons of the republicans in a way that i have not seen other presidents including presidents like bill clinton do. that's why one reason bill clinton has a successful post presidency.
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people can look back and say you know what? i think the guy had seafns governing. >> you know what is such a shame, i think that people were attracted to barack obama because he promised to be the post partisan president i think there is a yearning american the electorate. >> especially young people. >> who doesn't engage in all of that can somebody who a centrist. i think republicans and democrats have ideas. did can that person ever win a primary. >> i'm sitting on this couch proof positive because did i not. that's what i have always said i don't think democrats are always wrong. i don't think republicans are always right. the problem is not that the country doesn't want that. the problem is that you have to get to the place and the only way to do that is through the primaries which is very polarized and very punishing in terms of anyone who goes off the ranch on this very partisan, very very a dam mat you can't deviate from the company line. and that's dangerous to america. i think it's the worst thing
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that's happened in politics is that we don't welcome people to have their own ideas. you know, there is an old saying, the only the lead dog gets a change of scenery. and the problem is we need some new lead dogs. >> thank you for that image. >> more of that met fork metaphorical genius tonight. >> thank you very much. >> forget the doctor, your car could soon have all the answers to your health concerns. >> good. fight for our freedom but finding work after war is never easy. one fire department is making it their mission to hire only veterans. anna coyman here next with this amazing story there she is. ♪ ally bank.
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>> time for some quick headlines. authorities say a large amount of these newly designed $100 bills were stolen from a plane that landed in philadelphia. they are not supposed to go into circulation until next year. reports say the haul was worth $20,000. and more than 4500 young illegal immigrants are now cleared to stay in the u.s. under president obama's new deportation rules. the brahm blocks deportation for two years for anyone brought to the u.s. before they turned 16. then, they can get a work permit. nearly 180,000 people have applied for this so far. let's go over to dave or clayton. >> i know we look similar. thanks, alli. finding work after war struggle for a millions of our nation's veterans especially those returning from iraq and
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afghanistan. one fire department in new jersey doing its part t hire our heros. our own anna coyman has this story. >> the city of newark, new jersey has a new class of firefighters who were heros before they ever put on their uniforms for the very first time since world war 2 all of recruits are veterans. 28 out of the 4 1. it's not a coin dense. new push to hire veterans when they return home. job search something one of the many struggles they experience while putting their lives back together. last month the unemployment rate was 9.7% for veterans of the wars in iraq and afghanistan. compared to the national average of 7.8%. >> at one point in my career when i got home it was very hard to find work i did turn to the gi fund and they helped me out through my struggles. they helped me to find employment. >> think of our national anthem home of the brave. we have to create a home for
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our brave. that means jobs, housing, the opportunity to show the heroism overseas and come back and serve with the same courage and valor. this is tremendous. >> the gi go fund partnered with the city's veterans office to recruit vets. some are giving veterans preference in civil service exams. the military service most of them had made their 12 week training period extra competitive. >> it's the same same personality that will see bailing on fire and say i will go. in give me the "hot commodities," give me the ladder. i will will do it. something that god put in them that says i am going to go out and there defend my neighbors and take care of my friend and family and people i care about and that's what makes them so special. >> the boston fire department also recruited 49 military veterans this year. a bill that would establish a 1 billion-dollar jobs program for veterans is currently stalled, clayton, in congressman. congress once again proving that they care. are any other cities doing this? it seems like a natural fit?
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firefighters great veterans coming back from war. boston you mentioned. but any other cities and towns. >> yes. we have mentioned boston, massachusetts, also washington state in new york as well. >> good. so maybe some other states pay attention to this. and congress do something about. this anna kooiman thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> voices may nod be heard in november thanks to a ballot blunder in wisconsin. how mitt romney is trying to make sure that doesn't happen. vice president joe biden claimed to be all about the facts. >> the fact of the matter is, he says they are working. and the fact is -- let's take a look at the facts. well, in fact; and in fact that is a fact. that is a fact. >> dragnet music underneath that was everything he said at thursday night's debate actually true? he we will do fact-checking of our own. just the facts, ma'am, when we come back. ♪
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as they learn more facts about exactly what happened they change their assessment. facts matter, martha. facts matter. but the fact of the matter is, he says they are working. and the fact is -- let's take a look at the facts. well, in fact. >> and in fact that is a fact. that is a fact. >> joe biden likes facts ♪ music from dragnet] >> just the facts, ma'am. joe biden used the word fact 26 times in different ways. that was an indication to fact-checkers to say if what he was saying was actually fact. >> talking bun employment in this case fact checkers are not unemployed or under employed. they are busy in this campaign
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season. he talked about taxes and this number shifted quite a bit from where the obama administration had been. listen to vice president biden. >> middle class will pay less and people making a million dollars or more will begin to contribute slightly more. >> that million-dollar more was the one that made a lot of people sit up straight in their chair. wait, we haven't heard anything about that in fact, the number where the tax increase comes currently is around $200,000. that's the threshold. what joe biden is talking about is exactly what we are talking about. individuals making 200,000 and households making 250,000 would see their taxes increase. was he talking about some policy they have discussed? we don't know. >> is this a shift in policy or was this just a mind -- had to walk it back later. >> millionaires are not people who make $200,000. certainly not in this city. >> in big metropolitan areas. meanwhile here is another thing that he said to
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congressman ryan, particularly about what caused the recession. they talk about this great recession like it fell out of the sky like my goodness where did it come from. it came from this man voting to put two wars on a credit card at the same time to put a prescription drug benefit on the credit card. a trillion-dollar tax cut for the very wealthy. i was there. i voted against them. i said no we can't afford that. >> the fact here and according to the associated press that then senator biden voted to authorize use of force in both afghanistan and iraq. he also then lumped in the prescription drug benefit plan under george w. bush which ryan did vote for. >> when joe biden says i voted against them, i voted against them and you voted for them there were four things. he he made it sound as though he voted against the wars and the a.p. >> lay up for fact checker. i know the sports reference may be lost. >> i got that. >> just look at the voting
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record. also he may have misrepresented romney position on the auto bailout and what he wanted to do. here is what the v.p. said on thursday. >> we knew we had acts middle class. we went out and rescued general motors. went ahead and made sure we cut taxes for the middle class. in addition to that, when that occurred, what did romney do? romney said no, let detroit go bankrupt. >> this is a knew ounce fact check here. here is what the actual truth is here in opinion piece in 2008 romney said he opposed using government money to bailout chrysler and general motors instead favoring privately financed bankruptcy restructuring. >> that's what private equity often does is take something through a structured bankruptcy and that way a judge decides which contracts you can blow up and stream lines the process. g.m. and chrysler did end up going through a structured bankruptcy in june of 2009. so, again -- >> -- with taxpayer money
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albeit with. >> with taxpayer money not with private funds. he is playing with words there fact checkers did not find paul ryan utterly blameless. they thought he had fudged some of the debales about obama care and about the stimulus money. they also went after him but it was the fact that joe biden use the word fact some times. >> like he did on the campaign trail. fact checkers fact check me. baiting that industry of fact checkers. >> get to your headlines and tell you what else is happening. three days away from the second round. president obama trying to make sure he improves on campaign performance. while president obama is away, mitt romney and paul ryan will both be in the critical swing state of ohio. mitt romney is attending a rally in portsmouth with
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country star jamie o'neil and another rally in lebanon. paul ryan with meet with voters in youngstown. mitt romney's campaign is suing to make sure our brave men and women have their voices heard in the next month's election. 37 municipalities in wisconsin did not send military ballots before the deadline. the romney campaign suing the state's government accountability board. it says the deadline to return ballots should be extended so every vote was counted. says only one vote was sent late by mail. vermont, michigan and mississippi also missed the deadline. the justice department has already filed a suit in vermont. coming up next hour, wisconsin's lt. governor rebekah kleefisch will be on to talk about what can be done to make sure those military votes are counted. denver police officer thanking his lucky stars his family is alive after getting a draw dropping phone call. >> i was at work and i got a
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call that they said your house blew up. and i actually thought it was a joke at first that obviously was not the case. >> take a look at this. there is not much left of lt. jimmy martinez's colorado home. wife and four of their children were inside during the explosion. amazingly they all survived. officials think the national guard caused the damage to neighboring homes. a took his car to the shop and look what they found inside. >> i got you buddy. >> wow. >> not supposed to be in there. a kitten somehow got stuck in the rear axle of the car. the driver said he heard the meowing for a few days. so he finally took it in. >> for a few days what? driving all around town? how do d. it survive in there. >> luckily the cutten was stuck in a tube without any
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moving parties. >> perfect ending. >> first it was a cat-t cat-tsstrophy. the mechanic took it home as early birthday president for his 3-year-old daughter. >> that engine no longer purrs. >> when the guy heard that for a couple of days. >> i think once or twice would tip me off. >> takes us a while to get our cars into the shop. check in with like reichmuth for the first alert forecast. >> very cold start to the morning across much of the northeast. coldest air that we have had since april. of course, that's going to make fall happen very very quickly. take a look at the latest picture coming in from cadillac, michigan way up in northern michigan. this is pretty spectacular also. i don't know what that -- must be some sort of a gorge that bud took this picture there from. 39 degrees and a little bit of rain moving in. heavier rain and thunderstorms
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today. just getting up to around 46 degrees. a low of 39 tonight. keep sending me these amazing fall temperatures. pumpkin picking today. rick reichmuth on twitter on facebook page. here is the first alert forecast across the northeast. chilly day. tomorrow warms up by around 15 degrees. so if you want to do something outside. tomorrow is going to be probably a warmer day. today certainly feeling more like fall. down to the southeast very nice florida, gay and carolinas. head back toward the central plains. wind damage today and a lot of large hail but we could be seeing a tornado or two. especially kansas, oklahoma and maybe missouri. the rain will extend all the way in towards wisconsin and michigan. out across the west we will see snow across the rockies rain across the pacific northwest and sunshine down to the southwest. all right guys, back to you. >> i will send you my pumpkin
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pictures. >> please do. goody. >> stunning information on the while the security consulate in benghazi was cut. spending money on greenishives. mike kelly has the inside scoop on this. he is coming up. >> then it wasn't all laughs for the vice president at thursday's debate. he tried to sell another four years. well did he try to scare the american people? did it work? peter johnson jr. has many thoughts on this. he is going to share them next. [ female announcer ] food, meet flavor. flavor, meet food. it's time for swanson flavor boost. concentrated broth in easy to use packets. mix it into skillet dishes, for an instant dose of... hell-o! [ female announcer ] get recipes at enough already. c'mon guys. next question. hello! what's your favorite color?
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about governor romney's policies. after a surprising performance, peter johnson jr. here to break down why the dems debate strategy. >> who is scaring who? i think he scared them more than the policies of mitt romney and congressman ryan. i mean it was incredible display. people are still talking 'about it on this saturday morning. >> how did he scare people. >> he looked unhinged. some would call inappropriate affect. i had a register the nurse tweet me yesterday. she said if i saw that i would have called the m.d. and started increasing the ms. that's meds. what happened? it's not a matter being discourteous and rude. we are used to that it's a matter of temperament. it's a matter of fitness for office. whether you are a democrat, republic or independent do you want? >> on the substance he was very solid. >> the substance he was solidly wrong. he made up facts. he lied about. he said i didn't vote for afghanistan and iraq wars. he did. he said oh, the obama
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administration doesn't discriminate against catholic institutions. they do. and the bishops condemned them. oh, we north raising taxes for people over 200,000 -- under $200,000, we are raising them at the $200,000 level there are a lot of misstatements of fact. >> clayton mentioned earlier on the program that energized both sides of the debate. take substance off the table. style lies stickily was this a plan do you feel? >> it was a plan. it was a back fired plan. part of an old politics that doesn't work anymore. it's this kind of in your face kind of stuff that trial lawyers use effectively in the courtroom. but effectiveness in the courtroom is not what's effective in convincing the american people to go somewhere or not go somewhere. people are a little bit frightened at 69 what's going on with this man? why is he acting in this way you? would expect it of the 43-year-old candidate, mr. ryan, who acted in a calm,
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cool, reasonable reserved way. not the old politician with 36 years in the senate. watching it, really reminded me of -- >> -- you have an example, peter, of what you say are the scare tactics used in this -- >> -- let's look at it. [ laughter ] [scary. [ laughter ] >> that was -- that was unintentional. but that. >> that's frightening. >> play it again. i think it's important. let's play that again. let see what that is that is dr. evil on one side. now joe biden is not dr. evil. is he an honorable america investor isn't a and patriot. when you look at this kind of unhinged unbridled, unfettered that michael laughing and looking up at the sky and throwing your eyes back and throwing your head back and looking and interrupting 80 different times, you say, you
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know, has he he become a movie character? are the gaffes intentional? or are the gaffes not intentional? can he control himself or can he not control himself? can he he control himself when he takes about benghazi and blows out the state department and comes up with a new narrative about what the president and vice president knew and when they knew it? >> extrapolate from that, from the technique that you say was planned and do me what you think will happen tuesday night in this town hall. >> here is the real plan. they needed to raise the level of intensity in terms of these debates. the president showed up asleep last time. and got bounced big time in the back of the vehicle. i mean, he got trashed. big time frantically. the president is going to come back really strong and intense and aggressive and maybe even nasty sometimes. >> this is a town hall. >> let's set the bar up here.
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let's have biden go in and be animal in terms of debating techniques so when the president shows up, it says oh, well, he wasn't like biden, he was pretty reserved and controlled. but he will be at a level 75% where he was before. and so it's to set the expectations, i believe, biden go in there and be a tough guy and you are the card on the ww march. of the texas steel smash between romney and obama people will say that it wasn't as bad used to that. what they are trying to do excite the base at the same time turned off a lot of independence around all of republicans what's going on? is there something wrong with this guy? if this is intentional act why would you do that to the office of the vice presidency?
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i think the american dignity means more than any one man's ambition in a presidential election. i think a lot of people are reacting. >> looking forward to your take after the town hall, sir. >> it won't be dr. evil but maybe some other variance. >> good to see you, sir. >> good to see you. >> coming up, he is on a mission to find out what really happened in libya. >> i'm going to tell you, this thing smells. from every single angle. listen, it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. >> what does congressman kelly think now the democrats are blaming the g.o.p. for the libya debacle. is he here next to respond. ♪ now the sun is coming up p toe by bundling your polies. well his dog's stupid.
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♪ ♪ >> alisyn: in the vice presidential debate thursday night, biden claimed the terror attack in benghazi were connected to republican budget cuts. >> this lecture on embassy security, the congressman here cut embassy security in his budget by $300 million below what we asked, number one. so much for the embassy security piece. >> alisyn: congressman warbacher addressed the issue at the house hearings this week. debunking the v.p.'s theory. >> it's been suggested that budget cuts were responsible for a lack of security in benghazi. i'd like to ask miss lamb, you made this decision personally. was there any budget consideration and lack of
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budget that led you not to increase the number of people in the security force there? >> no, sir. >> alisyn: promises the budget is not to blame but the misplaced spending priorities. joining us the pennsylvania congressman mike kelly. >> good morning. >> alisyn: you heard miss lamb who made decision about the security personal and she said when asked, no, the budget was not part of the decision to not send additional security personnel. do you believe her? >> i do believe her. i know the 2012 budget, the house republicans increased the worldwide security spending by $100 million. diplomatic coverage by $5 million over what the administration was asking for. so we increased funding in 2012 to cover the concerns. this is a matter of priorities. there's something wrong with the administration that is out of touch with great people they rely on to maybe decisions. secretary of state is absent now. the department of state is saying look, we're not sure why.
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we just don't know. they have the ability through discretionary spending to spend money where they want. i would tell you right now, they were hiring the libyan nationals at $4 an hour. in the meantime, we'd give you a contrast in two embassies. in vienna, the same time we said the consulate in libya would haven't the dc-3 use of that, all of a sudden in vienna we're sipping champagne and celebrating $110,000 installation of electric chargeer of two chevy volt and talking about the green wave taking over to sweep the european side of the diplomatic sources. wait a minute, how could you say that there was a cut in funding. we increased funding. prioritization of this. we find out this is an executive that has never run anything in his life and administration that turns a blind eye to ask for increase security on the ground. >> alisyn: as you're speaking we are look at a picture i think of vienna where the chevy volt were provided. those were provided there. green energy initiative.
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as you point out, the dc-3 airplane that would have been used for surveillance over benghazi was not provided. if you say money was not the issue, then why not provide either the plane or the 12 armed personnel that the guys on the ground in benghazi were asking for? why not provide that? >> that is the $64,000 question. you saw thursday night, vice president is out of touch with reality. again, this is their responsibility. the security of our diplomats, these folks put their lives on the line for america. they go overseas. couldn't we show them the same level of devotion to their country? couldn't we provide them with security? lupt colonel wood who jogged with tem bass dore in benghazi said we can't pull out now, too dangerous. unstable. even the red cross left benghazi. 230 attacks in the last year in libya. 48 of them in benghazi. two on our compound. we have this idea that somehow our people are safe and we can spend the money elsewhere better. the president himself references this on that day.
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we had a tough day. bump in the road. there are times you have to stop running for re-election and run the country. >> alisyn: congressman mike kelly we know you're trying to get answers. thank you for being there. >> we'll get them. we're going to get them. >> alisyn: more "fox & friends" next. love them all. the seal i get with the super poligrip free keeps the seeds from getting up underneath. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. a lot of things going on in my life and the last thing i want to be thinking about is my dentures. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip.
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♪ ♪ >> alisyn: good morning, everyone. saturday, october 13, i'm alisyn camerota. don't blame me, blame hillary. after the white house threw the state department under the bus for the terror attack in libya, is it finally time for hillary clinton to explain what really happened? we report on this, you decide. >> was it the smiles or the smirks? or was it the stumbles? >> $250,000 -- >> you have $600 more. >> .7 -- 1.68 million, billion dollars of that goes to people making minimum of $1 million. >> dick morris here to breakdown the best and the worst moments from this week's
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vice presidential debate. >> million-billion. plus, do you think you know the real sarah palin? forget what you have heard, because her dad and brother are here live to set the record straight. once and for all. "fox & friends" hour four starts right now. you betcha! ♪ ♪ it's "fox & friends." >> alisyn: welcome back, everybody. great to have you with us on the all-important weekend. we're post-debate and pre-debate. >> in between. >> alisyn: we are! >> david: sandwiched right in. >> alisyn: so obviously we'll be looking back at all of that. dick morris is up next. he will give us his analysis on how the debate went. right now we have a fox news alert we want to get to. there is more violence in the middle east. reports out of libya say that there has been a failed as is nation attempt on a police
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colonel there. someone planted a bomb on his car, outside his home in benghazi. he turned the car on. then went back to his house. that's when the bomb exploded. we're told no one was hurt. no one has claimed responsibility yet. we're keeping an eye on this developing story. also there is a man hunt underway in colorado at this hour to catch a child's killer. we now know the body found wednesday is that of 10-year-old jessica ridgeway. she disappeared last friday walking to school. her body was found seven miles from her home. officials had to use the dna to identify her because her body was in bad shape. >> to mutilate a body. like i heard he did, i wish it could be done to them. >> i feel like, you know -- [ inaudible ] >> alisyn: oh, boy. word the killer may strike again. police are telling the devastating community to be on alert and to report anyone they notice with sudden change in behavior or in appearance.
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a woman in minnesota is the first to sue the massachusetts company that made the tainted steroid shots linked to that deadly meningitis outbreak. she claims she suffered from headaches and nausea since getting the shot in september. now she is waiting on test results to confirm if she is infected with meningitis. so far, 14 people died and 185 others have become sick from the outbreak. as many as 14,000 people received the tainted shot. very happy birthday to the u.s. navy. today we celebrate 237 years of the men and women bravely serving our nation. u.s. navy is the largest navy in the world. established in philadelphia in 1735. happy birthday. those are the headlines. >> doesn't look a day over 234. right? age well. >> alisyn: beautiful. >> david: speaking of looking good at old age -- rick reichmuth with check of the weather. he's a young man. >> i knew there had to be
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something coming after the looking good at that point. nicely done. the severe weather like what you see in april or may, except it's october. we're going to see that today. parts of texas stretched upward to wisconsin under the threat for severe weather. any tornadoes likely across part of kansas and oklahoma. in this area today, a lot of people outside. a lot of football games going on, college games. need to be watching this one very closely today as it could be causing some damage and we can prevent any injuries by taking precautions. this is generally, we see most tornadoes in spring. there is a secondary active season. that's what we're heading in to now in october and november. a couple other stories we're watching are the tropics. still in hurricane season. two tropical systems out there. someone a depression. this right here is rafael, and it will bring rain to virgin islands and puerto rico in the next day-and-a-half. winds up to 40 to 50 miles per hour. one last thing, cold morning.
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coldest air so far of the season across much of the northeast. back up above freezing for most people unless it's higher elevation. >> alisyn: thank you. >> alisyn: i thought navy came in the revolutionary war. >> david: i was thinking sports. navy won a football game on their birthday. 31-13 over central michigan. >> alisyn: 1735 seems off since the revolutionary war. >> alisyn: you were in philadelphia at that time. check your diary. joe biden and paul ryan has you know face off in the first and only vice presidential debate. quickly clashing over a wide range of topics. attack in libya to the sputtering economy. so who won? >> david: we'll ask dick morris, former advisor to president clinton and fox news contributor and a new book called "here come the black helicopters, u.n. global governance and the loss of freedom." nice to see you. welcome to the show. >> good to be here. >> david: a moment from the debate where paul ryan defends himself on medicare, substantive argument about
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this particular issue. take a listen. >> they put a new obama care board in charge of cutting medicare each and every year to lead to deny care for current seniors. the board, 15 people. the president is supposed to appoint him next year and not one needs medical training. social security, if we don't shore up social security when we run out of the ious, and the program goes bankrupt, 25% across the board benefit cut kicks in on the current seniors in the middle of their retirement. we'll stop that happening. >> david: so that was a big moment for vice president biden hoping to pigeon hole congressman ryan on the medicare,, the thing he supported cutting that money on that program. who won that moment? >> guest: i think ryan was very impressive in defending his position on that. that was ryan's key vulnerability. that the concept that the ryan budget initially put in avoucher system for medicare.
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did not give seniors the right to choose traditional medicare. he doubled back on it and year later proposed they do be given that choice. then he went to the offensive about the administration death panel as sarah palin says accurately. basically will say you can have a hip replacement but you're too old and you're too sick. a horrific meth of reducing medicare costs. >> alisyn: all right. so that is what you considered the highlight of the debate or winning moment. look at what you told us was a losing moment when vice president biden was laughing. watch this. >> sanctions in place. it's in spite of their opposition. >> oh, gosh. >> they have given 20 waivers to the sanction. all i have to point to are the results. four years closer to nuclear weapon. that case speaks for itself. >> can you tell the american people what sort of -- another war -- [over talk ] >> they are closer to being
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able to get enough material to put in a weapon if they had a weapon. >> you are acting like they don't want one. >> alisyn: why wasn't that he fecktive moment by the vice president in your mind? >> guest: throughout the whole depate, biden is smirking and smiling and inappropriate laughing really hurt him. i don't know if it hurt obama because it was personal to biden. he acted like a long shoreman at a union hall meeting or in a bar. a blue collar rough interruption, smirking, laughing, smiling. they were both seated but looked like the moment in 2000 when gore got out behind the podium and went over to menace bush. it was not good for biden. he needed a good performance and he got in his own way on this thing. >> with that in mind is there
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anything to learn from what we saw thursday night in term of what we think will happen tuesday night in this town hall? will the president do what joe biden did or learn from the mistakes, in terms of style more than substance? >> guest: good question. the consensus after the first debate was obama was not aggressive enough. the consensus after the biden debate is biden was too aggressive. the president needs to be in between. after all, he is the president. if he acts like a schoolboy like ryan did, it will be difficult for him. we make a big mistake assessing the first debate in focusing on how obama lost. the fact romney won. he established a connection with the american people that liberated tens of -- not tens of but millions of people to vote for him who previously
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were not willing to do it. they concluded that obama was a failure. they didn't make a jump to romney until they saw him and got to know him in the first debate. >> alisyn: didn't vice president biden do what he needed to do? >> clayton: you characterized him at union beer hall. that's who they want to excite, right? they were chomping at the bit to say mr. president, why were you so polite in the last debate? didn't biden do what they needed him to do? >> guest: they needed him to be aggressive, but they didn't need him to be a clown. that's what he was. a performance that made you wonder about this guy being heartbeat away from the presidency. i'm not a stickler for courtesy and decorum. but this really, really over the top. >> alisyn: yet, dick, we heard speculated during the debate prep part of the reason that president obama looked so lackluster was that he must have been told don't look
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dismissive, don't look supercilious, don't look arrogant. he tethered himself to the podium. if he's more aggressive does he risk looking like all the negative things? >> guest: obama's performance wasn't bad when he was not speaking. he was bad when he was speaking. he had no eye contact. looked at the floor. didn't look at the moderator and not at the camera. he hesitated for his words. he spoke like this. it was painful to wait until each word. >> karl rove said he will be back. that's the prediction don't count the president out town hall style. >> guest: it's not what obama does. it's what romney does match.
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jurorty of people concluded that the economy is terrible. and that obama failed. how many of them vote for romney and how many stay home and go to obama because they turned off romney? romney won the last debate. if he's good in the next two debates and he's nothing but consistent, then i think he will win. he will win by a lot. >> alisyn: dick, stick around, please. we have want to talk to you about this. don't blame me, sort of what the white house is saying. blame hillary? is the white house throwing the state department under the bus for the attack in libya? should hillary come out and speak about it? should she testify? we'll ask dick about it next. call at it steel trap. how one canadian company is blocking freedom from rising in a matter of speaking. ♪ ♪ [ man ] ring ring... progresso
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this reduced sodium soup says it mahelp lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just he to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. tomato, obviously. haha. there's more than that though, there's a kick to it. there's a pop. wahlalalalallala! pepper, but not pepper,
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i'm getting like, pep-pepper. it's kind of like drinking a food that's a drink, or a drink that's a food, zip zip zip zip zip! i'm literally getting zinged by the flavor. smooth, but crisp. velvety. kind of makes me feel like a dah zing yah woooooh! [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. could've had a v8. woooo!
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welcome back. after more than a week of silence, secretary of state hillary clinton now speaking out on the growing scandal surrounding the attack in benghazi. >> as we warned from the beginning, there are extremists who seek to exploit periods of instability and hijack these democratic transitions. no one wants to find out exactly what happened more than i do. i've appointed accountability review board that has already started examining whether our security procedures were appropriate, whether they were properly implemented, and what lessons we can and must learn for the future. >> alisyn: is that review board enough or should hillary testify in front of congress? back now with dick morris.
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dick, now that the vice president seems to have asserted hey, we at the white house did not know what was going on in benghazi, this is a state department issue in terms of sending more security personnel, what will hillary clinton do about this? >> guest: i was struck listening to her statement, how accurate it was, part of it, that no one want to learn exactly what was going on, leave off the part except for me off the statement. the administration is embarrassed by this. this story will grow as we get closer to election day. it's negative for obama and hillary. for obama, the negative, obviously he knew that this was a terrorist attack from minute one. it was on 9/11. carefully prepared weaponry.
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the state department said it never considered it was anything other than a terror attack. he went out there and said this is a spontaneous demonstration gone awry because of a movie. from the state department point of view, hillary's point of view she is in charge of the safety of these people and she is gallivanting across the globe. she is in charge. she is the chief administrative officer in charge of the state department. when her ambassador in a war zone asks for additional protection and she says no, not because of some budgetary constraint but because the administration wants to maintain low profile security in libya. that they have withdrawn and nothing to do with it. no marines in there. they have still not promulgated rules of engagement for what the guards
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are supposed to do. the wrong-headed pacivism appeasement is coming back to bite hillary. a future presidential candidate and current presidential candidate who formerly opposed each other trying to blame the misfortune on the other one. delightful spectacle. hillary is fighting for her legacy. her regime as secretary of state will be characterized in the future as a failure. not characterize this as a success. >> david: is this her final act? is this her final act? >> no. it will come in the lame duck session of the senate. in my book "black helicopters" i talk about two treaties she will be involved in. one she will sign international gun control treaty. the other is a treaty to regulate the internet. both of those will come up after the election.
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how hillary handles those will bebe her final act. >> alisyn: okay. >> this gives a chance to really besmirch that image in a negative way. i don't think bill clinton or hillary will sit back and let obama and biden blame the mess on them. >> alisyn: thank you so much for coming in. coming up on the show, they fight for the freedom but members of the military might not have the voices heard in the election. big update to important voter fraud alert next. >> plus, this is the creation of one of our dad's need for speed. is it safe for baby? >> there's a baby in there? i hope not. >> my gosh. [ male announcer ] after years of celebrations,
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marie callender's gives you a way to make any day a special occasion. new mini cream pies for one. real whip cream and a cookie-crumb crust. marie callender's. it's time to savor.
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>> alisyn: time for quick headlines. more than 250,000 t.d. bank customers finding out the administration was lost more than six months ago. the bank lost two encrypted data tapes containing information like social security numbers, while shipping them between location. t.d. bank waited to tell customers because it was investigating the ips dent. looks more like a racecar than baby stroller, the british dad boasts it has ten horsepower and four gears and he said he can go more than 30 miles per hour. tomorrow, he will break a world record.
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he stresses he's never gone that fast with the baby son in it. that's a relief. david? >> david: thank you. there are 160 milliontary and overseas voters in wisconsin. but for some of them, the votes may not count. according to the mcguiver incity tute, 2 municipalities failed to sent absentee ballots to service members before the deadline. late last night, the romney campaign filed suit against the wisconsin government accountability board arguing it violated the law and is disenfranchising military members. how does this even happen? to weigh in on this is clayton a clayfish. how does this happen? >> guest: this is outrageou outrageous. the folks that are willing to die for our freedom and our right to get out there and select the next commander in chief and leader of the free
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world might have that privilege denied to them. a shame we are in this case in the first place. we know there are 4,288 military men and women who applied for the absentee ballots. of those we know 44 were not sent on time. that is unfortunate. romney campaign has taken a very hard look at what that might mean to the military men and women who might be disenfranchised by this. sad. >> so here is a response from the government accountability board after the romney campaign filed suit. they said this. take a listen. >> basically, we had 26 of our 1851 local clerks who missed the tedline, but we have a number of redundancies built in the system. we know they got the ballot in timely manner to mark them and
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get them back to get counted. only one ballot was sent out by mail after the deadline. the rest were delivered electronically and we cut the transition time in half. >> so lieutenant governor, they say that 26 individuals screwed up but it was all fixed thanks to the electronic balloting. they got the ballots in hand. no need to worry about it. nothing to see here. move on. what do you say? >> it's nice to say that. in theory it would be terrific if there was nothing to see here, time to move on. but this has happened before and it's happened in other states. we know that time around it has happened in mississippi, vermont, michigan. >> do you think politics are in play here? >> i won't speculate whether the politics is at play here. i am going to say this is unacceptable that the military men and women allowing us to sleep peacefully with our kid at home, at night might be
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denied thep opportunity to choose the next chander in chief. we need whoever is in charge apologizes and make sure it doesn't happen again or step aside so someone else can step in and apologize and make sure it nev happens again. >> it's sickening to me to think the men and women overseas fighting for us and the freedom can't get a ballot to vote in the presidential election. lieutenant governor -- >> they need us. thank you. they need a hero's reward for what they have done. we declared 2012 the year of the veteran. sad that it would happen before the election in november. >> well said. thank you for stopping by the show this morning. we appreciate it. if you are a member of the military and you have any voting questions at all, go online and visit svap gov gov or they're on the screen.
9:29 am as well. coming up on the show -- our national symbol at risk because the federal government letting native american tribes break the law? we'll explain this legal debate coming up. if obama care is so great why are businesses across the country doing whatever they can to avoid it? we'll show you a growing chorus of large companies who say they can't afford it and what they're doing. one thing you can depend on is that these will come together. delicious and wholesome. some combinations were just meant to be. tomato soup from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. [ chuckles ] ♪ [ honk! ] ♪ [ honk! ] ♪ [ honk! ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you'll know when to stop. honk! ]
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the all-new nissan altima with easy fill tire alert. [ honk! ] it's our most innovative altima ever. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪
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♪ ♪ welcome back to fox and friends. we talk on the show about the small businesses having to go through and figure out how they will be able to incorporate obamacare as they move forward in the next year. taking seminars, a lot of small business owners don't the time to deal with all the changes. but now big businesses have to deal with this. >> as we know, it's complicated trying to incorporate this in your business. tarden restaurant chain, the largest casual dining restaurant group in the world. they own red lobster, olive garden, longhorn steakhouse. i'm a fan of bottomless pasta, myself. but in addition to darden, mcdonald's, denny's, pap john, hardy's carl junior and they've come out and said they are wrestling with how they will handle obamacare.
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darden will try to change the full-time ememployees to part-time. they're trying it out now. >> you heard a lot of complaint from restaurants, private restaurant owners that have a number of chains. they're the ones that are trying to figure out the mandate and how it affects the bottom line in terms of the money they will be fined for every employee they do not provide insurance for. that is a tough burden for a lot of restaurants that are hurting. they are hurting in the economy to begin with. >> the issue is the hours. darden will see how it flies to move from full-time employees to 30 hours a a week to avoid the loophole and coverage they would haven't to pay or deal with. then the workers having their hours cut, and at the end of the day they may end up having to let some employees go if they can't cut costs associated with it >> some groups suggested that.
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meanwhile, talk about what is going on in new york. you probably heard michael bloomberg, the mayor, banned sugary drinks that are more than 60-ounces. super-size sodas have been banned. now companies, just this week have decided to sue saying that will hurt their bottom line. if they can't sell soda they'll lose money. >> this is the national restaurant association and the american beverage association filing a lawsuit against the regulation in new york. they have two main complaints. one, decision was made by an unelected board here in new york. which they may have legal ground. the other talks about being unfair burden for business. specifically, because look, these businesses can't make specific now changes for one state. that will have a tremendous impact on their bottom line. they're used to providing the 20-ounce standard bottom a lot of restaurants here in new york city.
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now they have to make special shipping arrangements for new york. also, they say you can still go in a 7-eleven for example and get 37-ounce soda but you can't go to the movie theater and get it. will it punish the chains like movie theaters and restaurants and help some of the convenience stores? >> alisyn: clay top andry big fans of the calorie count. listed on the menu of fast food places. >> clayton: exactly. >> david: i'm okay with that. >> alisyn: it's great. >> clayton: why not do that? >> alisyn: educate the consumer. every time i think it's harmless, it's providing information to make choices. if you saw 500-calories for a gargantuan drink you might not get it. >> exactly. >> i agree. >> or you go with a 47-ounce coke zero. >> all sorts of other chemicals. >> what about water? that might work. >> alisyn: look at the headlines. in the news, the man who flew from japan to los angeles carrying an arsenal of weapons
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in his bag will remain in jail. judge denied bail for harris after prosecutors said they found plans detailing how he was going to kidnap and kill people on his computer. as well as other disturbing files. harris was arrested at lax last week after customs agents noticed he was wearing a bulletproof vest. you'd think tsa might have flagged. that they found a smoke grenade, body bag, knives, hatchet. >> seems harmless. >> alisyn: in his luggage. the nation symbolic bird at risk though it's a federal crime, justice department will now allow recognized native american tribes to process eagle feathers. the bald and golden eagle protection act prohibits killing eagles or possessing feathers or bird part in a new policy, they will not face charges for wearing or carrying federal protected bird parts or feathers. attorney general eric holder plans the policy strikes the right balance between protecting eagles and
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respecting the practice ofnatetive american tribe members. the company holding steel for a world trade center hostage in the port authority of new york and new jersey is suing adf steel for failing to deliver materials for the needle of the antenna. the lawsuit claims they're demanding $6 million in payment for another project before shipment. they had no immediate comment. took 67 years but up with of the nation's bravest heros from world war ii being recognized for his courageous service. 86-year-old librad receiving nine medals including the bronze star and the purple heart. he left high school in 1944 to join the army and he was wounded in the 1945 invasion of okinawa. >> the other shrapnel came in here.
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[ inaudible ] >> alisyn: he later worked in veterans administration. his daughter says he rarely spoke of his service and recently decided he wanted to receive the medal he was so desevening of -- desevening o of. let's get to rick reichmuth. it checked the twitter feed of breckenridge, colorado. snowing. >> snowing. >> snowing. >> love it. >> october 13. >> i know. it looks like there might have a good early snow season out there across colorado. let's hope for that for the skiers out there. get out and do skiing there. take a look, showing pictures all morning long. from elizabethen, tennessee. my college roommate was from elizabethen. this is looking spectacular. i love this time of year. it seems like everybody else does. they send me pictures. 51-degrees there right now. today getting up to a beautiful 77. warming up to take a dip in the lake. looking pretty good. keep sending me the pictures. take a look at this. we have severe weather today.
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kind of like an april type of a system where we will see certainly damaging winds. anywhere you see that yellow there. that stretches from wisconsin, down toward parts of texas. we'll see hail and very likely some tornadoes today. the biggest tornado from tulsa to oklahoma city, to kansas city. ready to take precautions throughout the day today as the storm system moves through. forecast for rest of the country. eastern seaboard is looking very clear. it will be very cool across much of the northeast. but a lot of sunshine. down to the southeast, clear along the eastern side here. but the severe weather will be toward texas, oklahoma, kansas and rain also stretching up across wisconsin and iowa in toward the north as well as michigan. few thunderstorms there. we have can't rule out either. all right, guys. back to you inside. >> alisyn: thank you, rick. coming up on the show -- forget what you heard about sarah palin. we're getting to know the real sarah from people who know her
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best. her dad and brother who will join us live coming up. >> then it's being called the countdown to catastrophe. the nation about to head office call cliff. what does it mean for you and your wallet and why is washington doing nothing about it? i have a theory. i'm going to share it with neil cavuto next. [ male announcer ] how do you make america's favorite recipes? just begin with america's favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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nah. [ dennis' voice ] i bet he's got an astate agent. they can save you up to 30% more by bundling your polies. well his dog's stupid. [ dennis' voice ] poodles are one of the world's smartest breeds. are you in good hands?
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welcome back, everybody. the u.s. is on the verge of a falling off of a fiscal cliff. at the end of the year, all of the bush tax cuts are set to expire, but that's not all. millions of them are automatic
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spending cuts will also kick in. setting off the possibility that 2 million americans will lose their jobs and every family will be forced to pay thousands more in taxes. breaking it all down for us, our very own neil cavuto. neil, i have a theory here, not just the election thing going on. it's baseball! that is why nothing is getting done in d.c. nationals are out. orioles are out. maybe congress can get back to work. >> i went to bad last night and nationals were leading. so i thought i'd be excited when i woke up and i found out the lead evaporated and they're out of it. it could explain why we get sour moods here today. the baseball race expanding. fact of the matter is we just pointed out what is at stake. the end of the year, we are facing what could be the mother of all tax hikes because all those bush tax rates you allude to, not just for the wealthy, everybody,
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they all expire at the stroke of midnight on the new year. when we have hundred of millions of spending cut that kick in. so if they do it will to stop that, we are looking at something that the most optimistic economist estimate will slice a full percentage point off the gross domestic product. considering that's the amount we're growing, one full percentage point that could throw us back to recession. the killer here in the city nothing is being done about it. both sides waiting to see the outcome of the election. you think about it, after that, you have more than seven weeks to get your proverbial fiscal act together. the two sides extremely far apart. likelihood of something bad happening unless a miracle happens is pretty good. >> here is an example of what will happen if the tax cuts expire. tax increase for families between $412 to $14,000 for
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those making $400,000 and above. elec on the minds of the politicians. are you hearing, neil, with your ear to the financial grindstone any backroom dealing about what might unfold on december 31, 2012? >> interesting. we're beginning to hear the coddling together of a tetch rare deal. the nature of the deal is worrying folks with whom we'll be chatting. the inside players if you're a democrat you don't like anything that hint option passing on a tax increase for wealthy. if you're republican, you want cuts. but there is part there, but there is talk of extending everything we got from the present spending plan to all the bush rate, including those
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for the well-to-do for another six months. devil in the details. president is home behind us. thought i'd stop by for the latte, but i don't have to announce myself. i'll knock on the gate. they'll let me in. i know them. the president if re-elected wouldn't be keen on deal like that. we are told romney if he were elected wouldn't be keen on deal that involves any defense cuts. temporary or otherwise. they are nowhere close to this. what i find interesting is there is really no move beyond the election to think about this. this is the mother of all fiscal storms. no one is talking about it. the next two hours we will. so much is at stake. you mention the fact that a
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host of other taxes kick in related to the healthcare package. it's big and huge. the starts who are just down the street, it will be all time consuming. >> alisyn: big and huge should be the name of neil's special coming up live. >> who are you calling big? >> it's the show. look at your great guests. talking live to them from washington, about coup downtown to catastrophe. thank you for the preview. >> get the coffee at the white house and get back to the show. >> more "fox & friends" in two minutes. thanks, neil. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon... creamy cheese... 100 calories... [ chef ] ma'am [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. turn billion of bytes of shared information... ♪
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into a fifth anniversary of remission? whatever your business challenge, dell has the technology and services to help you solve it.
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welcome back. time for news by the numbers.
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$1 trillion, the u.s. budget deficit topping that number, for the fourth straight year. president obama had promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of the first term. next, $10 million. that's how $10 million is how many people watched the fock news channel for vice presidential debate between paul ryan and joe biden. more viewers than any other network combined if you add them up and combine it, you still can't reach that. >> alisyn: are you sure? >> i'm no math work. cable networks. oprah's network might have done better. the last six, president obama will make his sixth appearance on "the deal" the show with jon stewart. it's his second since becoming president and two days after the debate. >> jon stewart was brutal against him after the first debate talking about the lack of altitude, see if he take him on this time. >> alisyn: president obama stepping away from the campaign trail. he is dulling down on debate prep for round two against mitt romney.
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he is looking to improve on the lackluster showing in the first debates. >> peter doocy live in d.c. with more. sorry about your nationals, my friend. >> that's okay. >> time to move on. >> best player is 19 years old for another couple days. he will be around for a while. >> good point. >> thank you. but let's talk about virginia. a critical swing state. across the river from here. 24 days to go until the election. 13 electoral votes. the president leads there by half a point. mr. obama, president, will spend most of his weekend in southern virginia in williamsburg. but he will not be campaigning. he will be practicing for tuesday town hal style debate in new york. he plans to fly down this afternoon for debate prep. joe biden fresh off his debate will join him today.
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the republican ticket spend the daylight hours in ohio. president's lead is down to 2.6 points in the real clear politics average of polls. romney will spend the morning now doing debate prep himself. this afternoon in ports mouth at rally with jamie o'neil, the country singer and lebanon, ohio, big rally before heading to massachusetts to sleep in his own bed for night. this is as his runningmate is holding a town hall meeting at youngstown state university before spending a night in his own bed. they will spend the night in their home and incumbent get ready for round two, 160 miles away from the white house. back to you in new york. >> thank you. i used to live near there in that neck of the woods and covered president bush in lebanon, ohio. historic town. take over the whole town square, secret service.
9:56 am
beautiful inn right there. so many presidents slept in the inn that overlooks the town square. >> beautiful. >> send us focus from lib non, ohio, if you're there. >> perfect. >> love to see it. >> more fox and friends for you in two minutes. what do we do when something that's hard to paint, really wants to be painted? we break out new behr ultra with stain-blocker from the home depot... ...the best selling paint and primer in one that now eliminates stains. so it paints over stained surfaces, scuffed surfaces, just about any surface. what do you say we go where no paint has gone before, and end up some place beautiful. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr ultra. now with advanced stain blocking, only at the home depot, and only $31.98 a gallon.
9:57 am
music: "make someone happy" music: "make someone happy" ♪it's so important to make someone happy.♪ it's so important to make meone happy.♪ ♪make just one someone happy ♪and you will be happy too.
9:58 am
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one programming note for you. we promised we'd have sarah palin's brother and father on. they have come out with a new book about what sarah palin is really like, what she was like as a child and in high school. and we had satellite issues. so we are hoping we will fix those and get them back for you for tomorrow. >> also, steve hayes and ann coulter on the program tomorrow. >> chris wallace as well. dave just got back from a fishing trip. >> i did. >> caught this fish. that i still can't believe is actually real. >> yeah. that is a 315-pound yellow fin


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